Two stage login for Norway


In Norway a common system has been developed based on a "Bank_Id" The Bank_Id is personal, but used by all the banks and also government pages and tax returns.
The login page requests you to enter your mobile telephone number and your date of birth ddmmyy.
On receipt of this information a one time phrase is displayed on there screen and an app in your mobile phone is started deploying the same phrase. This you accept on the phone, where the app then asks for your pin code. There is then a multiple message interchange between the computer login page and the phone, which if OK enables the login.
It would seem 1Password nearly handles this situation except that it does not send the ddmmyy info to the login field on the login page.
I would nearly think if the password field was changed to a text field type this would work.

You can view the login page at:

Hope you can help.
Hans Steller

1Password Version: 1Password 6 Version 6.1 (610005)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.11.3
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:two stage login for Norway


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Greetings @Hans_Steller,

    Can I ask how are you currently creating the Login item you're trying to use on this page? When I create a Login item from inside the browser using our How to manually save a Login guide it saves both the fake mobile number and date of birth and after reloading the page both fields are filled. Now the login form does confuse 1Password and it doesn't recognise one as being a username and the other as being a password but it does save both pieces of information in the web form details section of the Login item and then uses this information when you ask to fill.

    If you try creating a Login item in this way do you find it works as it seems to for me and is this the behaviour you were looking for?

  • Hans_Steller
    Community Member

    Hi littlebobbytables,
    I used your "How to manually save a Login" guide and that did the trick for me.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Hans_Steller,

    That's great to hear :smile: If you come across any other problematic sites please don't hesitate to reach out to us :smile:

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