Additional support for multiple sites with same credentials.


At work we have several sites that authenticate against the same LDAP server meaning that the same username and password work for many sites. I use the Multiple URL feature and it works well but is basic. I would like to see some additional functionality around this area.

1) I would like to be able to search for select an existing 1Password login and have to option to fill for the current page rather than redirecting to the URL stored for that login. Sometimes I just know that an existing login will work for the current site (or at least I'd like to try before adding the URL to the login's URL list). Currently I seem to have to copy-paste the username and password into the new site.

2) I would an easier way to the current site's URL to an existing 1Password login without having to copy the URL, find the login, edit the login, paste the URL, save the login.

1Password Version: 6.0.2
Extension Version: 4.5.3
OS Version: OSX 10.11.3
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @vlewis. Thanks for your post. I understand your use case. I can say pretty categorically that the first idea is not something we will do. The reason we don't allow this is to help protect against phishing attacks. While you're likely savvy enough to know the difference, for many users, if they land on, click the 1Password button in the browser and don't see their Facebook login, they will think 1Password is somehow broken and then misuse the feature that you proposed. This is not something we want to enable.

    The second thought is an interesting one, but I'm not sure how that would work and for most people this is just not an issue that comes up that often. (Again, I realize you have a very specific use case and there are others with similar use cases but they're in a small sliver of our users.) I tried to mimic this process you need to perform with just the keyboard in 1Password mini, and that actually revealed a couple of issues. I've opened an issue about this to hopefully improve the experience tabbing between fields in a future release.

    My proposed workflow was to use a keyboard only process to bring up mini (Command-Option-\), search for the login by immediately typing for instant search or else mark it as a Favorite so it will be in that list, then use the right arrow key to show the detail view, Command-E to edit, and then tab until you have focus in the first empty field for a new URL. The last step is what didn't work for me, but once we have that improved, would that be a decent workaround for you?

    ref: OPM-3909
    ref: OPM-3910

  • vlewis
    Community Member

    @jxpx777, thank you for your detailed reply.

    I thought of another workflow that may allow adding the URL for the current site to an existing 1PW login. Allow it to be done from the dialog to asks if I want to add a new login. Perhaps I could have the option to instead add the current url to an existing login?

  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    That would be possible in theory, but the UI would be really tricky (How do you locate that other login to add the URL to? A drop down list? What if you have thousands of logins like some users? A search field? How do you fit that in with the current UI? That kind of thing…), and it would add complexity and an additional decision for something that like I said really affects an infinitesimal slice of the aggregate time people are using 1Password in the grand scheme.

    I'd be interested for you to compare how often you're doing this kind of URL dance vs how often you're just saving a new login for a new site and let us know how it stacks up. My gut says this is an availability heuristic because the process of adding a URL is more cumbersome compared to the autosave-prompt-and-press-return workflow for the majority of your login saving. But, I could be wrong, and I'd love to hear your observations.

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