Local Cache Copy of Families Vaults?

Community Member

I haven't seen this explicitly mentioned anywhere. Let's say that I'm all signed up and configured with Families, and have moved most of my entries to the Family shared / private vaults. Clearly, when I am accessing 1Password on my phone while it has Internet access, it is getting the latest information from the cloud. But what if I don't have Internet access?

Without a working Internet link, with the Dropbox-sync'd vault, there is a local copy on my phone, so I have access to all of my records. And, if I make a change or add something new, it sits there on my phone waiting to be sync'd when an Internet connection is established. Does the Families vault(s) work the same way?

User story: I'm standing in a friend's house where my wireless provider has not seen fit to have a tower, so no Internet. However, my friend has broadband and gives me his WiFi password. I want to enter that password into 1Password in the Shared vault before I copy it to the WiFi settings page, so I don't forget it before I have a chance to do so.

User story: I've returned to my friend's house with a new phone, and already have the WiFi password in my Family Shared vault. I want to open 1Password and retrieve the password without bugging my friend for it again.

User story: I have an image file of my passport in a Family vault. I'm standing at the US consulate in a place where I have no Internet service because my passport has been lost / stolen. I want to show the officer the image of my passport.

1Password Version: latest
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: various
Sync Type: Families


  • Ben

    Hi @RonHeiby

    This is a great question, and a scenario that I have not personally tested out (I will now; thanks). In theory all of the cases you mentioned should function as expected. There is a local cache of your data on your device such that when you do not have internet access you can still access your data. This is not intended to be used for a long term situation (e.x. staying in a country without internet access for 3 months), but should handle momentary interruptions or brief outages. You can try it for yourself by enabling AirPlane mode on your device, or disconnecting internet access... Which is what I'm going to go do. ;)


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