Several financial sites require copy/paste password, but display the actual pw. Safe?


Some 1 & 2 step financial sites autofill with username, but I have to copy/paste the PW. The PW is then displayed in plain text in the field. I wonder about the security. It doesn't display plain text if I type it in.
Additionally, 1PW inserts the user name in both the U/N and P/W fields on one site and I have to delete/copy/paste. Not a big deal, but I want to be safe on these sites.

1Password Version: 6.1
Extension Version: 5.1.3
OS Version: OS X 10.11.3
Sync Type: wifi
Referrer: kb:teams-families-migrate, kb:fix-website-login


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dave5041,

    I think the best route forward will be to discuss the specific sites this is happening on as I'm guessing it is very specific ones and not financial sites in general. There is also a good chance we've investigated them in the past once we learn which they are as financial sites are amongst the toughest to work with so we do get queries regarding them.

    The question is whether you feel comfortable listing them in our public forums or if you want to move this to email. At the moment we're just interested in the names and main URLs for their public facing site where you visit to reach the login page. Some people may not mind posting that sort of information here but others don't and we can easily accommodate either.

    If you would prefer email can you contact us at and if you mark it FAO: LittleBobbyTables somebody will notify me when you email us :)

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