vault not found - android

Community Member
edited April 2016 in Android

I have followed the instructions for updating my keychain to the new format. After I reset the app and started syncing again on my Android device (ver. 6.2.1), I can see the new keychain in my Dropbox, I see it is recognized as a folder, not a file. When I select the folder (1Password.opvault) it opens the folder which reveals another folder (default). When I select that folder, I get the error message that the "Vault is not found." I know that the vault is actually a folder, but why is 1Password not recognizing it as a valid vault? The update worked on my Mac and iPad. The problem is with the Android app only, syncing to Dropbox Syncing to Dropbox was functional with the older keychain format..

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:switch-to-opvault, kb:starting-over, kb:switch-to-opvault


  • peri

    Hi @jerickson. OPVault is not supported in version 6.2.1. It requires 6.3, which is currently in beta. You're welcome to install the beta you if you like, so you can go ahead and get started syncing your OPVault vault. You can find instructions for installing the beta here:

    That said, we're hoping to release 6.3 very soon if testing goes well, so if you don't want to switch to the beta that's fine. It shouldn't be much longer!

    Let us know if you need anything else!

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