Vaults not connecting into OSX desktop app



I signed my work team up for Teams last week and I'm having a challenge of associating the OSX desktop app and Firefox plugin with our domain and the vaults. So far there is a complete disconnect between what my colleagues have stored on the vault and what I'm seeing on the app which is only stuff I've added, and nothing that they've shared. What can you advise to integrate these?

Thanks much!

Kelly Stenhoff

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:app teams


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @kstenhoff: It will depend entirely on the vault you have selected in the app and where your colleagues have stored the files you're trying to access.

    For example, if they've put them in a Personal vault, you won't have access to that; you — and only you — can access your own Personal vault, not anyone else's.

    If they've put them in the Shared vault, you will have access to that (like anyone on the Team), but you'll need to select it in the app.

    If they've put them in other vaults that are not shared with you expressly, they will need to grant you access.

    But first and foremost, make sure that you login to your Team in 1Password itself:

    Setup the apps (Teams/Families)

    Then you can access the data under All Vaults or by switching to the specific vault where it is stored.

    I hope this helps. Be sure to let us know if you have any other questions! :)

  • kstenhoff
    Community Member

    Thanks Brenty, hugely helpful! I'd been looking for a way to link into teams from top bar menu instead of thinking to try opening the application itself. All set now!

  • Jacob

    @kstenhoff On behalf of the wonderful brenty, you're welcome. :) Let us know if there's anything else we can help out with.

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