Feature Request: site-defined recipes


Allow sites to define their accepted password recipe via some additional markup included in registration forms.

agilebits could publish a standard way to provide this data, e.g.:

<form data-agilebits-1password-recipe="RECIPE_A">...

Developers would include this in the markup for their registration form. 1password would read this and be able to generate a password as secure as possible within the constraints of the recipe.

Predefined recipes are not ideal, but would be simplest for developers to implement.

In a similar fashion, agilebits could publish markup that identifies the username and password fields to 1Password, to ensure filling and saving works reliably.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    This is certainly an interesting idea, @johnnsmith. We have talked about supporting the pattern attribute on password elements, which would achieve a similar goal and is already part of the HTML5 specification. It's on our list of things to explore in the future.

  • johnnsmith
    Community Member

    Thanks for the reply. I wasn't aware of the pattern attribute. I'd considered regexes too, but don't know of a simple way to build a string from one. I imagine the complexity of the generated strings would unpredictable too.

  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    @johnnsmith This is the main stumbling block for us as well. One approach would be to just generate passwords until one matches, but that could take quite some time. The other option is to try to inspect the string in the pattern attribute and basically decompile the regex into something that we can make sense of. So, for instance, look for [^] and use that to exclude the characters inside the set or likewise [] to include certain characters, but then getting into the whole business of parsing things beyond that including things like groupings, counting, etc… It's just a lot more than we're able to dig into right now.

This discussion has been closed.