Login fill in new customer blanks rather than returning customer


When I go to CPAP.com and click "your account" the next page has two areas the returning customer area and the new customer area. 1Password fills in the blanks in the new customer section and then fails to open because the username is already used. Is there something I can do to get 1password to fill in the returning customer info?

1Password Version: 6.2
Extension Version: 4.5.5
OS Version: OS 10.11.4
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:Login fill in new customer blanks rather than returning customer


  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @seelsorger. Thanks for your post. This one is a little bit problematic since it's a pattern of sites that we need to better account for. But, I do have a temporary workaround for you. First, save a login manually for the page. Then, Edit it and set its Submit attribute to Never. This way, you can fill your login and then click Log In to complete the process. Does that help at all in the meantime while we work on better supporting this pattern?

    Jamie Phelps
    Code Wrangler @ AgileBits

  • seelsorger
    Community Member

    Thanks for the help. I have done this. I also learned the new short cut to fill in (command) There is just so much to learn.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @seelsorger,

    I'm guessing you're referring to ⌘\? That one is really handy and if you're more a keyboard person than a mouse then the following page should be of interest to you.

    Keyboard shortcuts

    If we can help at all with the learning curve that accompanies 1Password please let us know. You may also find useful information in our AgileBits Support page which also contains a link to the guide for 1Password for Mac. We're also here to answer questions though so it isn't the case that it's the knowledge base or nothing, we do have human beings ready to help :smile:

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