Lost details

Community Member
edited April 2016 in Android

When I am adding a login account in the latest beta (not sure if it's the same in other versions) I was adding a note, I needed to look up something so I could write it in the note, so I left the screen and went to my main screeen, did what I had to (to get the info), went back to the app (it asked me for my password) allowed me to add the note, then I clicked save and it went to a new login add screen and I lost everything. it's very frustrating especially when having to type out complex passwords to do it twice.
Can you please fix it so that when leaving the screen and coming back, it doesn't lose any details.

1Password Version: 6.3b2
_Extension Version:
Not Provided
OS Version: Android 5.1.1
_Sync Type:

P.S. Samsung G6EP it will be forever before I get 6.0 wish you provided fingerprint auth like everyone else :) Dreaming here I know..


  • peri

    Hey @Burkster. Currently, 1Password doesn't save drafts of new items, so if you move 1Password to the background before saving a note, its contents will be deleted.

    We've had a few other users raise this concern, and we have an open issue regarding saving drafts. I'll go ahead and forward your feedback to the team as well.
    ref: OPA-444

    Thanks and let us know if you need anything else!

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