Apps login using 1Password Keyboard no match found after searching for login

Community Member

I'm currently trying out 1Password again. I've been using LastPass, but thinking of moving over to 1Password Families subscription.

One of the things I notice is for like one of my local banks the 1Password Keyboard won't make a match. It will allow me to search though finding the login that will auto fill and log me in. It doesn't "Remember" this association so I will get the "no match found" the next time I want to log into that app.

Is there any plans to easily add the associated login to the app?

LastPass does this and here is an blog post that explains what I'm talking about above:

Warm Regards,


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • saad

    Thank you for your feedback. At this moment, we don’t have a way to manually associate apps with login items in your vault. This is a feature that we have great interest around and we plan to work towards it in the future.

    Because apps don’t tell us what website they are associated with, 1Password tries to make a smart guess. I explain how it does this in one of the other forum threads. Until we have a proper solution in place, you may be able to trick login matching for your specific banking app by changing the URL field of the login item.

    Hope that helps. Let us know if you have any questions.

  • mdmangus
    Community Member

    @Saad Thank you for the tips on tricking it. I tried it out in the reverse order for primary website and android app matched. Still look forward to you guys finding a cleaner solution, but for now I will look at this trick when I run into the issue.

    Warm Regards,


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for following up. On behalf of Saad, you're most welcome! Indeed, hopefully we can find an easier way of doing this in the future, but I'm glad that will help in the mean time. Cheers! :)

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