Vivaldi and Auto-Submit



So far am loving the Vivaldi support from 1Password, however, small issue is that auto-submit logins does not seem to work at all. Auto-fill works just fine.



1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • dannilundgren
    Community Member

    Hi Nik,

    I experience the same, and I really hope they'll fix this soon. It is not a huge problem, but it has a huge impact on user experience and ease of use.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Greetings @dannilundgren,

    Are you running 1Password 4 for Windows too like nikoxley is?

    To both @nikoxley and @dannilundgren, as part of testing each new version of our extension we perform a serious of actions to check that all the features are working as expected across each of the main browsers. My memory can be terrible at times (the weekend is blurry already, mid March? not a chance :lol:) but I'm positive I did so in Vivaldi too with the last stable version and I've successfully repeated the tests again just now. The tests include

    1. Filling via the keyboard shortcut which is **⌘** on a Mac and ctrl + \ on Windows.
    2. Testing open and fill both by searching for a Login item from inside 1Password mini/helper and selecting that way.
    3. Clicking on a URL from inside the main 1Password window.

    Everything so far as worked for me. If you're seeing something that isn't matching what I'm seeing can you say how you interact with 1Password to use it and what is happening when you do and we'll see if we can pin down why we're seeing differences :smile:

  • nikoxley
    Community Member


    So it does appear that if I use the shortcut it auto-submit does appear to work but my habit is normally just to click on the 1Password toolbar button and choose my login from there. It's the latter method that doesn't work.



  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @nikoxley,

    Thank you for updating us, I'll check that out once I'm back in front of my computer. Due to my amazing memory I can't remember if I explicitly tested the button or assumed that it was fine because there shouldn't be a difference. I will test :smile:

  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @nikoxley. One thing to check is if the "focus" is taken from the browser page when you click the 1Password button. One way to test this would be to bring up 1Password with the keyboard shortcut Option-Command-\ and then click on the item. This should bypass the browser taking the focus out of the page. Basically, what happens in this scenario is 1Password realizes that the focus is not in the password field and as a result refuses to submit. Since all we do is tell 1Password mini to mimic pressing the return key, if the focus is not in the web page and is instead in the browser's user interface controls, it can have unexpected behavior. In the past this manifested as Chrome seeming to redirect back to the same page rather than submitting because the focus was in the URL bar.

    Does that jibe with what you're seeing?

  • nikoxley
    Community Member

    Hi @jxpx777,

    Yep, you seem to have hit the nail right on the head there! Using the shortcut key works just fine. This could be a wider Vivaldi issue as someone else has report a focus issue here:


  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for that link, @nikoxley. Surely we can expect some growing pains in a 1.0 release, eh? :)

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