I read Announcement, but still Having issues filling or automatically submitting in 1Password 6

Community Member
edited April 2016 in 1Password in the Browser

I checked extension in Chrome and it is, so up-to-date and I didn't re-install. However, some sites simply will not fill or auto-submit, (and there seems no way to do this manually, at least in mini-1Password).

Here are 2 examples of sites that will not fill in:

https://www.namecheap.com/domains/registration.aspx (even after you have opened the menu drop-down sign-in box)

https://trade.loginandtrade.com/advantageweb/ (the most recent site I have encountered problem with)

Is it 1Password or is it the site-design that is responsible? I think I remember the first example doing this for at least the last year.

1Password Version: 6.2
Extension Version:
OS Version: 10.10.5
Sync Type: dropbox


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @funkster,

    There is definitely funky behaviour going on with that first page as I can't even get 1Password to save a new Login item manually which is unusual to say the least. What I'm wondering though is if maybe you have better luck with https://www.namecheap.com/myaccount/login.aspx and you likely find it even works with open and fill. I'm unsure what the issue with the main page is, just that this alternative seemed to work for me.

    The second site we're simply unable to fill I'm afraid and it is unlikely we ever will. Strong words but the issue with that site is they've built it on Flash and we can't fill inside a Flash interface, we can only work with HTML. Here the best you will ever have is copy and paste. You can maybe make it a little easier by anchoring the Item Details from 1Password mini but that's about it and you can learn a bit more about anchoring on our page 1Password mini.

    So hopefully improved behaviour with the first one and my apologies about the second.

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