Application has stopped filling in my password. It can be copied and work.


I'm using a 2012 MacBook Pro 2.9 GHz i7. I'm using Mac OS El Capitan Version 10.11.4. I have 1P 6.2.BETA-10.
A few days ago I noticed 1P had stopped filling in the password on the site. It adds my username
but does not add the password. When I check the 1P app I can see the password. And if I copy the password from
1P to it works.
Any idea why 1P is choosing to ignore when it comes to the password?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:The application has stopped filling the password on the site.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Bronco46,

    It's odd, mostly because the Amazon login page has been so robust for me. In fact it's one of the ones I use for testing new versions of the extension.

    You really shouldn't need to but if you follow the steps below to manually create a new Login item does it work any better?

    1. Visit the sign-in page for the website that is causing trouble.
    2. Enter your username and password. Do not press Enter or click Sign In.
    3. Click the 1Password button in your browser. Enter your Master Password if prompted.
    4. Click the gear icon (or choose “Settings” on Windows) and select Save new Login from the menu.
    5. Give your Login item a unique name. When you’re finished, click Save Login.
    6. Try to log in with the new Login item.
  • fredo
    Community Member

    I am seeing the same behaviour. I've tried the steps above and that fails too. Also tried multiple and different URLs in the entry. Occurs across multiple browsers (Chrome/Safari/Firefox).
    Called Amazon and they say the login page has not changed. I'm on v6.2.1 of the app (direct from website, not Apple Store) and the browser add-ons are:
    Safari 4.5.5
    Firefox 4.5.5

  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    @fredo Can you share the exact URL where you're logging in or how you're navigating to it? (Some sites only allow getting to the login screen with clicking through their interface rather than a direct link.) Perhaps there's something we're overlooking…

  • fredo
    Community Member

    I get to the page by visiting amazon and clicking Your Account then Your Orders.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @fredo,

    Are we talking about when Amazon asks you to confirm who you are, so the email address field is already filled in and it's just asking for your password. The reason I ask is if I click on the link at the top titled Your Account I get taken to the standard Amazon login page as I'm not logged in. If I hover and let their menu appear there is an option titled Your Orders but that just sends me to the standard login page. The standard URL by the way is

    In both cases we're talking about the standard login page and no matter what I do I can't get it to do anything but fill both fields.

    When you created the new Login item manually what did 1Password save? I would expect both the username and password fields to contain their correct values in the new Login item. If the new Login item doesn't hold the correct details i.e. it only shows a password then we have to figure that out as filling just a password is almost not surprising at that point.

  • fredo
    Community Member

    That is correct. When it asks to confirm. The email is there but it fails to enter the password. The link in the manually created new login saved as
    I'd added that as a 2nd URL in the original logins with no effect. Also, if I choose "Not Frederick? Sign Out" then both the logins work just fine. Seems to only be the confirmation login.

  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    @fredo I don't see your version of 1Password mentioned here. Can you let us know which version of the app you're using? A version mismatch might explain the discrepancy between what @littlebobbytables and you are seeing.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Greetings @fredo,

    You did mention version number, you said 6.2.1 from our AgileBits Store. It's strange. I know I can force Amazon to ask for confirmation of my password if I change my password and then try to return to Change Name, E-mail Address, or Password page directly afterwards. Amazon will fill in the username field and just ask me for the password. Running 6.2.1 with the stable extension 4.5.5 though it successfully fills in that page. It's very puzzling.

  • fredo
    Community Member

    Yeah. Weird. LIke I said, all 3 browsers and I tried on another Mac over the weekend. Same result.

  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Oh, blerg… I was looking in the version list and only saw extensions listed. Sorry for not reading closer! :(

This discussion has been closed.