New user assistance

Community Member


I just got 1Password families. I'm having a very difficult time getting it set up. I don't seem to have pro on iOS although I'm told I do when on the family plan. Also I can share my vaults across devices but not my logins. For example I changed the FB login on my Mac using 1pw. And it works on my Mac but if use the new owners on iOS it says the Pw is incorrect no matter how many time I do it. The set up on this product is not intuitive and I'm a techie. Any help would be appreciated.



  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Steve (@theclarks ),

    I'm sorry about the frustration that you have encountered with 1Password Families. We're working on making it as as intuitive as possible but we still have a long way to go! Have you added your 1Password Families account to your different devices? Were you already a 1Password user? If you were, could you please check this article and see if you missed any step here? This article will also help you check whether the accounts have been added correctly to your devices even if you're completely new to 1Password!

    Please let us know the outcome of this, if you're still having issues we'll go from there :chuffed:

  • theclarks
    Community Member

    Thank you for your prompt response. Unfortunately the article really does not have anything to do with my problem. I can see the same folders from each device but the logins do not show up. If I change my password for Facebook on my Mac that pw will not be accepted on the iPhone. It's very frustrating and I'm about ready to punt the whole product. Ive chosen Facebook as a test because it's not critical I'm not going to use this for anything important until / if this gets resolved.

    Is there any phone support?

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @theclarks,

    I'm sorry to hear that this didn't help. We don't have phone support, but I'm sure we can get you up and running in no time here! I'd like to ask you to please check a couple of things.

    First I want to make sure your account is set up correctly. In 1Password, please go to Settings at the bottom of the screen and tap on 1Password Accounts, it should be the first item on the list. You should be able to see the name of your account and the email address that you used to create it under "Your Accounts" in this page. Is the information there correct? Then, can you please go to 1Password in your Mac, go to Preferences there, then Accounts and see that the information over there coincides with your phone? Let me know if either of this is not correct.

    Now, I'd like you to please test something to see what's going on. Can you please create a new Login on your Mac and see if it appears on your iPhone? This will help us check if the information is being synced correctly.

    Finally, can you please take a look at this article to check that you're going through the same steps when you change your passwords?

    Please let me know the outcome of following these steps! :chuffed:

  • theclarks
    Community Member

    In the Mac it does not say Accounts under preferences. It says teams. Maybe that's the issue

  • MaxSiegel
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @theclarks, sorry for the confusion. You can add your account from the Teams tab in Preferences. Can you please try that, and let me know if the items from your other devices show up?

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