Do I buy the 1Password application or subscribe to Families?

Community Member
edited May 2016 in Families

I moved to 1Password from Lastpass/Dashlane and I love it, but I'm stuck for what to buy. I've trialled the Families subscription and I love it, the problem is I use a Mac at work and Windows 10 at home and Families doesn't work on Windows 10, so I've had to revert to using Dropbox again.

My options are buying 1Password for $60 and sticking with Dropbox or subscribing to Families, but not actually using it and hoping that Windows 10 gets fixed soon.

My concern with buying it, is that over time I may end up having to pay to upgrade it and I'm stuck with Dropbox.

My concern with subscribing is that Windows 10 won't be fixed any time soon, or the metro client gets fixed, which I don't really like much. The Mac client is A+++ it looks beautiful and it does everything, I really want an equivalent Windows desktop client.

At the moment I am leaning toward buying the software and sticking with Dropbox.

I'd be interested in opinions.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • nmott
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forums, @maniacfox!

    1Password Families is compatible with our Windows 10 beta app, so you should be able to connect the two. There are some limitations with the beta app, like the inability to use the 1Password browser extensions, but we're doing our best to change that some time soon.

    We're also hard at work on new a new app for Windows 7 and Windows 8 that can connect to 1Password Families. I can't make any promises about when it might be released -- the surest way to jinx a release date is to guess at it beforehand -- but I've seen some screenshots of the new app and it's definitely going to be worth the wait. (And I say that as someone who currently uses a Mac!)

    I also want to note that 1Password Families is available in modern web browsers. It can't do things like automatically fill your passwords, but all of your information is right there, so you can use the web app until the new Windows applications are released. If you like the way the Mac app looks, I think you'll like the web app even more, because it's got a pretty neat design that should be easy to navigate.

    The good news is that I think you'll be happy regardless of which you choose. Buying a 1Password license will always be a great option for people who don't want to manage a 1Password Families account. And, of course, 1Password Families comes with its own benefits like family sharing, web access, and the ability to get all your information on multiple devices without having to set anything up yourself.

    I hope that answers your questions!


  • maniacfox
    Community Member

    Kudos for your speedy response. I didn't go into detail, but not being able to use browser extensions defeats the whole point of it, I might just as well stick with Keepass.

    It sounds like the new Win7/8 client is going to be pretty good, you're tempting me to go down the Families route. As long as it gets released within the next year then I won't feel hard done by.

    I know there is still a lot to do, but thanks for a great product.

  • nmott
    1Password Alumni

    @maniacfox thank you for using it :)

    I believe the updated clients will be out within the next year. (Please note, capricious software gods, that this was not a prediction!)

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