Which version of 1Password Windows comes with Families?

Community Member

Does a 1Password Win 4.x license come with Families?

I'm reading that Families Windows app is terrible, but my experience (limited) with 1P Win 4.x has been good. I'm confused... are they different apps? I'd like to recommend 1P but if my friend has a bad first impression he won't use it at all. What windows app(s) are included in the Family Plan? Should I recommend buying the standard 1P Win app instead.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 7
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • rob

    Hi, @EuroTrash.

    Great question! We are still working on supporting 1Password for Families in our Windows desktop app. We do have an app for Windows 10 that supports 1Password for Families, but our Windows 7 app is still under construction.

    For now, it sounds like the standard 1Password for Windows app will be the best bet for your friend. :)

  • EuroTrash
    Community Member

    Which windows apps are included in Families plan?

  • rob

    Hi, @EuroTrash.

    I'm sorry for the confusion. There are basically three apps we're talking about here:

    1. 1Password 4 for Windows is our current main offering for Windows, and you can't add a family account to it, but you can purchase a license for it from our store.
    2. 1Password for Windows 10 is in beta and allows you to add a family account.
    3. The rewrite of 1Password 4 for Windows is not available yet, but it will allow you to add your family account, and it will support Windows 7.

    Both 2 and 3 will be included at no additional cost when you have a family account. I hope that helps!

  • EuroTrash
    Community Member

    Thank you for your quick response.

    So, 1password for Windows 4.x won't currently work with "Families". I'm asking if 1P WIn 4.x is included with Families... Your marketing FAQ is saying it is. (https://families.1password.com/)

    "For starters, all our apps come free with your subscription and can be shared with your whole family. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg: 1Password Families is a fully hosted service designed for people who use 1Password together. Syncing, sharing, and management capabilities are all built-in. Inviting family members is as simple as sending them an email."

  • rob
    edited February 2016

    Hi, @EuroTrash.

    I see what you're saying. The apps that are included with 1Password for Families are only the apps that work with 1Password for Families. If you can't use your family account with an app, there's no reason to have both since they are incompatible. So in this case, no, 1Password 4 for Windows is not included with a family account. Neither would any older versions of other apps, like 1Password 5 or below for Mac, 1Password 5 or below for iOS, or 1Password 4 for Android.

    The difference in this case is that 1Password 4 for Windows is still a current version. But since it doesn't support 1Password for Families, there's no reason to use it if you have a family account.

    I hope that makes sense.

  • AndrewKing
    Community Member
    edited February 2016

    @rob Is there a timeline for the release of the rewrite for 1password 4.x for Windows? Until it's available to work with families, the package isn't useful for me at all, but would be extremely useful once v4.x is compatible.

  • Ben

    We don't release timelines; sorry. But I can say that 1Password for Teams & 1Password for Families are at the top of our priorities list and with that comes the priority of getting all of our client apps up to speed.


  • EuroTrash
    Community Member

    If you aren't releasing timelines for the Win software then maybe its time to correct the marketing materials to explain what versions of Windows this works with. ** I love 1password** and have recommended it to ~20 clients + friends and family, Ya'll do good work.... but NOW I can't simply recommend it because of this bloody confusion. Now after selling a resistant client, I have to go back and explain to my client that it actually won't work for them. and they should go a buy this other thing, until it does work at someday maybe in the future.

  • rob

    I'm really sorry about that, @EuroTrash. I really appreciate your support, and I too hope for a cross-platform nirvana someday when everything just works everywhere the same way. I really wish we were already there.

    In the meantime, I'll see if we can update our page to clarify the required operating systems.

  • I'm sorry for the trouble and confusion, @EuroTrash. You're totally right, the marketing pages went too far.

    I posted a detailed reply in another thread that I think will help. I'll quote it here so you don't need to go digging:

    I was extremely excited about our Families announcement and allowed too much of that excitement to spill over into the Windows side of things. You're right, we set the wrong expectations for Windows, and I shouldn't have done that.

    While I'm pretty happy with where the Windows 10 team is after such a short period of time, it is indeed a 1.0 release and so it lacks a lot of the bells and whistles that you have become accustomed to in 1Password 4 for Windows.

    Combined with the fact that browser extensions are being developed separately and the Windows 10 adoption rate is not as high as I'd like, Windows in general simply wasn't ready for a website and blog post with the level of polish we presented it with. It set the wrong expectations and I'm sorry. I've updated the website and the blog post accordingly. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us and helping me come to this conclusion.

    I thought you might find it interesting how we got here, so I'll ramble on about that now. Consider the rest of this post optional but with any luck you'll read it and enjoy doing so :)

    In the beginning, we had tried to add support for Families into the existing 1Password app on Windows. That would have been ideal as we had spent over 6 years developing it (version was released on April 19th, 2010) and a ton of features were added over those years.

    In the end we decided that we needed to start from scratch with an entirely new version. This is always a scary thing to do in software development as I prefer that you iterate yourself towards your goal instead of starting over. We decided we needed to this as there were several things that the older technology we were using couldn't do.

    Things like Accessibility support and High DPI support needed modern libraries and required us to upgrade our entire tool chain to get them. We also wanted to make the Windows experience as consistent with the other platforms as possible and so we wanted to use the local database approach used by the other apps. The local database would allow for features like switching between vaults and an offline data cache.

    There were too many opportunities to pass up so we decided to write a brand new app. And that brings us to the second half of the story: what kind of app? In Microsoft's new world we had the choice between a fully sandboxed modern app or an old school "non-Metro" app (sorry for the name confusion; I desperately wish that Microsoft would return to the "Metro" naming as it made things so much easier to talk about).

    There were benefits to both approaches so we decided to run two parallel tracks. One team would create a sandboxed Windows 10 app and the other would focus on creating 1Password mini for interacting with the browser extensions. We're still executing on this plan and the Windows 10 team has made a lot of good progress. The browser extensions side of the world is not ready to be shared yet but they are getting closer every day and I hope to be able to share more here soon.

    Going forward I hope to be a lot better with the marketing materials and blog posts as they relate to Families and Teams and Windows. To help with this I ordered a new Surface Pro 4! I actually have been trying to buy one ever since I saw Panos Panay announce it back in October. I tried to order it at least 3 times since the announcement and I kept getting frustrated during the purchase process and gave up.

    This week I tried again, and yet again I got stuck, but this time I was mentally prepared for it and started a chat with their support team. They were able to lead me through the labyrinth and my Surface should arrive soon! I even got the expedited shipping option so I wouldn't have to wait another week :)

    Thank you for your passion and helping us to make 1Password and 1Password Families as best as it can be. 1Password for Families is super exciting and I can totally see how frustrating it would be that we don't have it ready on the Windows side of the world. We'll get there.

    I hope that helps clear things up, and again, I'm sorry for allowing my excitement to get the best of me.

    Take care,

    –Dave Teare
    AgileBits Founder

  • FKeil
    Community Member

    This answered my questions!!! Because the Windows 10 App it's a thing... crashes for no reason, close and doesn't add or fill in webrowsers!
    Can't wait for the Windows desktop version with support Families!!!

    If you need help to translate to Brazilian Portuguese, giveme a call!

  • Aleen
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @FKeil,

    Glad Dave's answer helped. If you're up for giving more in-depth feedback, there's a Windows 10 Beta forum for that kind of thing. I know our development team would appreciate your time!

    Thanks for the offer for translating into Portuguese! All of our translations are primarily handled by customer who want to see 1Password be translated perfectly into their native language, just like you. You're more than welcome to contribute to make the translations as best as they can be.

    Feel free to join these projects to be able to contribute to the translations:

    If you want to update the translations we'll be grateful :)

  • FKeil
    Community Member

    Hi @Aleen
    So, how can I retrieve Windows logs about Windows 10 app???
    Sure that I'll give feedbacks and help translating the application.

    Tomorrow I will start working.


  • Fooligan
    Community Member

    I am all for a Windows 7 version of the app that supports 1Paddword for Families. But, I will add that the web application has been a wonderful alternative. Copying and pasting is about the only inconvenience. We should all slow down and smell the roses occasionally anyway.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @FKeil: The 1Password for Windows beta app localization project isn't publicly available yet. Perhaps in the future. Thanks for your interest! :chuffed:

    @Fooligan: I agree that the web interface is pretty great...and getting better nearly every day it seems. But I'm really looking forward to the Windows desktop app getting 1Password for Teams/Families support! :pirate:

  • Marc Bernstein
    Marc Bernstein
    Community Member

    @Fooligan, maybe I'm obtuse, but what is the "web application"? I have been using 1Password 4 for Windows, 1Password6 for OSX and 1Password for iOS for a few years, including browser extentions for Chrome, Safari, IE, etc. I have my world happily synced using dropbox across my Macbook, Lenovo, iPhone and iPad, and am sharing vaults with my wife and oldest son. I am getting pressure from my son to switch to 1Password for families because he likes all things new, but the lack of support for Windows 7 is a show stopper for me. I am curious how I could access a web application from my Windows 7 Lenovo laptop if I were to switch to 1Password for Families. I feel like I'm missing something obvious.

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member
    edited March 2016

    @Marc Bernstein -
    I'd say that if you are perfectly happy with your current arrangement and aren't wishing for something else, there is no reason to rush into a Families subscription, unless it does something else you would appreciate. It's simpler to control sharing of data with Families, and syncing is part of the DNA of that version, not something you activate separately. There are ways to help family members recover their data if they forget their master password or account key (new to families), which no one can do with the standalone applications. You can decide to keep some information private and you can decide to give read-only access to some members, if you want to; aging parents who might delete or accidentally modify something come to my mind, but small children come to others. Also, the applications for all platforms are included with monthly charge.

    Windows 7 isn't yet supported with Families, it is true, although AgileBits folks say they are working hard on it. But they also don't say when it might be ready. If that's a show-stopper for you, I'd wait. If you are patient for it to come, there are early adopter incentives going on now that might make it worthwhile to sign up now, even if you don't use it until Windows 7 support arrives. If that hasn't happened by the time AgileBits asks for a credit card, just opt out.

    You did ask

    I am curious how I could access a web application from my Windows 7 Lenovo laptop if I were to switch to 1Password for Families

    You can access your Familes data with any web browser on any platform by going to the custom URL created for your account and using your credentials to sign in. From there you administer things like inviting other family members to join, creating new vaults, deciding who shares the new vaults, and the like. You also have full access to your data.

  • Marc Bernstein
    Marc Bernstein
    Community Member

    @hawkmoth - thank you. I understand now; the web browser is new for Families and didn't exist previously. No wonder I can't find it and have never heard of it :)

    If you are patient for it to come, there are early adopter incentives going on now that might make it worthwhile to sign up now, even if you don't use it until Windows 7 support arrives. If that hasn't happened by the time AgileBits asks for a credit card, just opt out.

    Ok, I'm not sure how this helps. If I sign up now and move my vaults into 1Password for families, and then have my family start using it, how could I "just opt out" when 1Password asks for a credit card? I'd lose the ability to edit my vaults.

    Maybe you are saying that I should sign up now and not use it until the Windows client comes out, in order to get the 2 free months and additional 1GB of storage eventually?

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    Maybe you are saying that I should sign up now and not use it until the Windows client comes out, in order to get the 2 free months and additional 1GB of storage eventually?

    I guess that is what I meant. But I'm not an AgileBits employee and have no insider information. But it is completely risk free to sign up now and decide later whether to buy in. That's what I've done, and Windows has long ago passed from my own concerns. I'm just nailing down my spot. And the early incentive are mine, if I stay.

  • arminmayrhofer
    Community Member
    edited March 2016

    Is there a rough timeline when the Windows 7 desktop app will be available to be used with 1Password Family! I'm considering the switch and my wife if already using her own 1Password on a Mac.
    After a quick exploration the new web features through 1Password family I found out that I seem to require the Desktop App in order to move items between vaults.
    I already have a large personal vault (so does my wife) and in an effort to combine the vaults into 2 personal and 1 shared, I'd need the desktop app.
    So for me the Windows 7 Desktop App is a showstopper for adopting 1Password Family.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2016

    Maybe you are saying that I should sign up now and not use it until the Windows client comes out, in order to get the 2 free months and additional 1GB of storage eventually?

    @Marc Bernstein: That's precisely what I'd do. You can sign up for 1Password for Families now to get the early adopter bonuses, and then either keep it if you like it (and enjoy the bonuses) or not pay if you end up feeling it's not a good fit for you. And if you change your mind, you can always come back later. ;)

    Is there a rough timeline when the Windows 7 desktop app will be available to be used with 1Password Family! I'm considering the switch and my wife if already using her own 1Password on a Mac.

    @arminmayrhofer: We don't have anything to announce yet, but you can be sure we'll let everyone know when we do. We're working on it, and are anxious to have a native 1Password desktop app for our own Windows 7 (and 8) PCs!

    After a quick exploration the new web features through 1Password family I found out that I seem to require the Desktop App in order to move items between vaults. I already have a large personal vault (so does my wife) and in an effort to combine the vaults into 2 personal and 1 shared, I'd need the desktop app. So for me the Windows 7 Desktop App is a showstopper for adopting 1Password Family.

    I hear you. Since I also have Windows 10, I'm able to do most of my vault management there. But if Windows 7 is your main machine, that will be a bit of a roadblock. I think my advice above applies to you especially then. You've already signed up and given it a test drive, so I'd say just hold off until we have a better solution for you on Windows 7. I'm sorry I don't have good news for you right now, but we're working hard to make sure you will in the future.

  • Narius
    Community Member

    Yep. I got caught out. @hawkmoth we were all encouraged to upgrade because of the closing of the early adopters discounts and benefits. All looked fine for me but today I opened my Win machine. Don't use it as much and am doing everything I can to stay away from W10. So I'm stuck. My vaults are now in families (I know I can duplicate but the whole point was to migrate wasn't it?) so my Win cupboard is bare.

  • Dig_Doug
    Community Member

    I'm in the same boat @Narius. My workdays are spent in Windows 8 and using workarounds (like the browser or the Win10 versions) move away from the whole point of 1 Password - a clean, simple password workflow. #anxiouslywaiting4Windows1PW

  • Jacob

    @Narius @Dig_Doug I'm sorry about that, folks. As we've mentioned all over the forum, we're working on a better Windows solution for all the awesome 1Password users out there. I'm sorry it's not here yet — my dad really wants it for his Windows 7 machine as well. Keep an eye out. We should have something for you soon.

  • Dig_Doug
    Community Member

    Looking forward to it @pernderworth. Know your sick of hearing it, but it's important to keep the need for Window parity front-and-center lest it get deprioritized.

  • Ben

    lest it get deprioritized

    No worries about that. We want it as badly as you do. :)


  • AlbertAsztalos
    Community Member

    I would like to be notified when an application is available for use on a windows 8.1 PC running 64 bit chrome (canary).

  • Ben

    Hi @AlbertAsztalos

    If you're looking for notification of a beta version you can sign up for our beta newsletter:


    If you're looking for a stable release, the best way to be notified of that would be to sign up for our general newsletter:




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