Disable previously synced Primary vault when switching to Families?

Community Member

My wife & I previously shared a Dropbox vault using the iPhone and Mac 1P apps, and I've recently been testing using 1P Families instead.
I copied all our items from the Dropbox Primary vault to a shared vault in Families, and that is working well. I have preferences in the app set so that a) on startup, the app opens the shared Families vault; b) only the shared Families vault is checked in the All Vaults->Vaults Included list; and c) the Vault for Saving is set to the shared Families vault.
However, I notice that the old Primary vault (and each user's Personal vault as well) still do appear in the Vaults dropdown list, which is fine in general, but I'd like to hide other vaults so that my wife or I do not inadvertently save (or update) logins in an unexpected vault. Given that I've unchecked these in the preferences but they still appear, is there some other preference or way for me to completely hide these?
Also, I noticed that when I updated the password on a site, the 1P Update popup asked if I wanted to update an existing login (as expected)—but the dropdown listed that login in both the old Primary vault and the new shared vault. If I can't hide the old Primary vault as in my first question above, is my only option to avoid this choice (which will undoubtedly result in us updating the password in the stale vault) to delete all the logins from the old Primary vault?

1Password Version: 6.2.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.11.5 beta
Sync Type: Dropbox / Families


  • Jacob

    Hey @kruzer! Glad to hear you got things migrated over easily. The issue you're describing is interesting. Just to clarify, you unchecked the Primary and Personal vaults in the All Vaults pane of 1Password's preferences? Did you expect that to remove them from the vault switcher menu? It doesn't actually do that. It actually removes them from the All Vaults view, which is a view that lets you see all your vaults' contents in one list. We're adding the ability to just remove the Primary vault for people who switched to Families and Teams accounts in the next update of 1Password for Mac. :)

    For the Personal vaults, though, could you give us a better idea of why you want to hide them? I'm not quite sure based on your post. Perhaps I'm missing something.

    Hope that helps!

  • kruzer
    Community Member

    Hi @penderworth ! Sorry for the delay in responding.
    You are correct: I unchecked those vaults in the All Vaults pane. I sort of didn't really know what to expect; I did figure out that this just removes them from the All Vaults view as you describe, which is helpful but not completely what I'd like to do. Adding the ability to remove the Primary vault will be more helpful as well.
    The main thing I'm trying to accomplish is: eliminating, or at least minimizing, the likelihood that my wife or I will inadvertently save a new login or update an existing login in the "wrong" vault (our shared vault is where we'd like to have everything). To that end, it would definitely be helpful to "disable" the Personal vault as well. I know I have everything set up right now to minimize that chance, like I'd described: only the Shared vault is checked in All Vaults; the Vault switcher menu is set to the Shared vault; and the preference for saving new logins is set to the Shared vault; however, I also know that something will inevitably lead to the vault getting changed in the switcher menu, for example, and then we'll have logins in different places that will have to be reconciled.
    Also, while I'm waiting for the Primary vault to be removable as you described, it sounds like my best option for preventing updates to the wrong logins (since I'd copied everything from the Primary vault to the Families Shared vault, there are copies of all of those) is to remove everything from the Primary vault—is that right?
    Thanks again for the help. I really like the new Families option!

  • khad
    1Password Alumni


    You will be able to disable "Allow creation vaults outside of 1Password accounts" in the next update (Preferences > Advanced). The update should be available "soon", but I can't give a specific release date. If you didn't want to wait, you could switch to the 1Password for Mac beta builds which contain that option.

    Until you disable that option which will remove your Primary vault, I'd recommend removing the duplicate items if you copied them instead of moving them.

    I hope that helps. Please let me know. Oh, and thanks for the kind words about 1Password Families! :)

  • kruzer
    Community Member

    Thank you — that does help. I think it also addresses the other question I had, which revolves around the password used to unlock the 1P app...right now, even though my 1P Families password is one thing, unlocking the app on my Mac uses the Primary vault password, so I assume changing it (by "it" I mean changing the password used to unlock the 1P app) would require changing the password to the Primary vault. Or, if I read the screen shot right, disabling the Local Vaults checkbox will also then allow me to use the Families account password to unlock the app. Do I have that right?

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    @kruzer, you are spot on. Once you disable "Allow creation of vaults outside of 1Password accounts", you will use your the Master Password for your 1Password account (family or team) to unlock 1Password. In your case, that would be your family account. :)

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