chrome add on not working in windows 10

Community Member

See I got 1 password web version which is of $5/months (web based interface and not the desktop application).. but while installing chrome add on in windows 10 its not working perfectly and keep on giving me this error...

"Either the helper is not running, or something is preventing it from communicating with the 1Password browser extension."

I tried to search toping on this but didn't get anything on that..

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version:
OS Version: windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:chrome add on not working in windows 10


  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @raindropsinfotech,

    I'm sorry if there's been some confusion with 1Password! If you have a Family account you can still install the desktop and use it, on top of the web based interface, you get the best of both worlds! However, there's a bit more to it than just that. Right now there isn't a browser extension with support for Families on Windows, however you still can fill things within the Windows app. To do this, when an item is selected, click the Browser button in the bottom right to open and fill it in the built-in browser. We're working on an extension for other browsers as well, but while we get there I hope this helps!

    Please let us know if there's anything else that we can help you with :chuffed:

  • raindropsinfotech
    Community Member

    so my question.. is.. if I will have 1 password family subscription then i will never utilize chrome add on right.. its only work for desktop application, am i correct or not?

    Looking forward for straight answer. please.

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @raindropsinfotech,

    To set all doubts apart,

    if I will have 1 password family subscription then i will never utilize chrome add on right..

    If you use 1Password Families you won't be able to use the Chrome extension for now. We're working on implementing it and it's something that will happen without any kind of doubt :chuffed:

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