When importing .csv files from multiple other password keepers, how does 1Password manage duplicates

Community Member

I successfully imported from mSecure, but I also have a Dashlane account I want to import. Will I have a problem with duplicates? (There are definitely duplicates across those two accounts).

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:duplicate


  • Jacob

    Hey @marcia_noa! Good question. The 1Password importer can definitely do the other import as well, but it can't prevent duplicates I'm afraid. It would be cool, but it would also be a hefty task. Instead, you can remove the duplicates once they are imported. An easy way to find them is to click the dropdown menu below the search bar and click "Show Duplicate Passwords". Hope that helps. :)

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