1password asking for a different account key than the one in my emergency kit

Community Member
edited June 2016 in Families


I'm getting this authentication error on my mac, and the error does not match the info in my emergency kit.
I've attached some screenshots.


Please help!!

1Password Version: 6.3.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.11.4
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:undefined, kb-search:wrong account key, kb:undefined, kb-search:wrong account key


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @worldpeas: Sorry for the confusion here! The Account Key prefix on the Emergency Kit seems to be correct, but you'l be asked for a different one if the other information doesn't match exactly. Additionally, the team name listed in the Emergency Kit seems to begin with a T and end with an H, and that does not match what I'm seeing with your email address, so that may be the problem.

    Make sure you're entering the email address and team URL exactly. The best way to verify this would be using a device you've already authorized. Under your account information, you'll be able to view what was used there and also get a QR code to login. If you're still having trouble, feel free to email us at support@1password.com

    Please let me know what you find. I look forward to hearing back from you! :)

  • worldpeas
    Community Member

    @brenty thanks for your response!

    The odd thing is when I scan the QR Code from the emergency kit the fields are filled in automatically. Isn't the emergency kit generated when I got the account?

    The team name is correct, but I signed up with a gmail address to the team and didn't seem to have a problem as I even managed to get the emergency kit.

    Unfortunately only my Mac was authorized. The weird thing is everything was fine and I haven't had any issues using it the past year or so until I upgraded 1password and it no longer accepted my credentials.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    The odd thing is when I scan the QR Code from the emergency kit the fields are filled in automatically. Isn't the emergency kit generated when I got the account?

    @worldpeas: The Emergency Kit is generated on account creation, but of course if you change you account information it will be obsolete and you'll need to download a new one from your account on the website.

    The team name is correct, but I signed up with a gmail address to the team and didn't seem to have a problem as I even managed to get the emergency kit.

    What I mean is that when I look up your account, the only one listed under your email address does not begin with a T. The team name I'm seeing in our system does not begin with a T.

    Unfortunately only my Mac was authorized. The weird thing is everything was fine and I haven't had any issues using it the past year or so until I upgraded 1password and it no longer accepted my credentials.

    Besides 1Password for Mac, you can also login to your account in the browser and check your QR code and login credentials there. And if you're still having trouble, definitely shoot us an email in case we need to go into more specific account information that should not be shared publicly. We'll get to the bottom of this!

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