Can you continue to use the original primary vault and keep syncing it to the personal vault?

Community Member

Can you continue to use the original primary vault and keep syncing it to the personal vault?

When I updated 1password on my windows box it created the personal and shared vaults.. which is ok but i would like to continue to use the primary vault on my mac and sync it with the personal vault.

Will this create duplicates in the personal vault?

Is this type of sync possible?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @apwilson54,

    Just to make sure I understood correctly, what you want to do is to sync two different vaults with each other? Something like Primary Vault on your Mac synced to Personal on your iPhone? If this is what you mean then I'm afraid you can't do this.

    Keep in mind that your Primary vault is local, all your data is stored on your devices and you sync it via Dropbox or iCloud. Personal is part of your family account, your data is stored on our servers and available everywhere where you've set up your account. If you want to keep on using your Primary vault while you also use 1Password Families you can do it, but unlike the information saved on the vaults that belong to your account, you'll have to sync it your self. You'd also have to access Primary Vault on your other device.

    I hope this clarifies things for you, if you have any other questions please don't hesitate to ask! :chuffed:

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