Choose a team account for the master password on 1Password for Mac

Community Member

I have signed up for 1Password for Teams for my personal business, although for now it's only one member.
The company I work at has also signed up for 1Password for Teams, so I have two team accounts on my work Mac.

When I deleted my primary vault, 1Password for Mac automatically forced my master password to be that of the first account in the list. The list is not re-orderable and I am not able to choose which account should be used for logging into 1Password for Mac.

I appreciate that I can unlock all vaults with one master password, but my work and personal team passwords are separate. I see some discussion about having one good master password, but in this case wouldn't I want these to be different? Or would it be a feasible feature request that we can choose which account to use for the master password?

1Password Version: 1Password Version 6.3.1 (631005) Mac App Store
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.11.6
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Choose a team account for the master password on 1Password for Mac


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @lee_kai,

    Thanks for writing in with your question about which master password you use!

    ...would it be a feasible feature request that we can choose which account to use for the master password?

    You can definitely do this - you'll just need to sign out of the first account in the list (from 1Password > Preferences > Accounts). When you do that, it will let you know you'll need to start using the master password from the other account to unlock the app. Then re-add the account that you removed - it will now be the second account in the list.

    Before signing out of that account, you'll of course want to make sure you have the information you need to sign back in again (account key, master password, etc).

    Does that help? If I misunderstood your question or you need anything else, please let us know. Cheers! :)

  • lee_kai
    Community Member

    Thanks for the reply! And while, I understand that is possible, as a software developer I feel this is not the best solution. OS X languages of course rely on you ordering your language preference, but even this can be unintuitive for new users. And 1password accounts are not orderable, nor is this rule that the first listed account becomes the master password shown anywhere. Too much magic in my opinion.

    Wouldn't a labeled dropdown to the right of the accounts list make more sense? "Account to use for Master Password" or the Security tab or elsewhere?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @lee_kai: Whichever account/vault you add first will be the Master Password that is used. If you consider the fact that most people only use a single vault, this makes sense: their first vault is their only vault, and therefore that's the Master Password that is required. Similarly, even with multiple vaults you'll need to use some Master Password to unlock the app...and of course the first one is the natural choice since at that point you haven't got any others to choose from. We'll certainly consider other possibilities in the future, but I think what you're asking for may be over-engineering a bit. It really hasn't been a source of confusion, and adding additional preferences which can actually and complexity (both for users and for us) is not something we'll do lightly.

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