how do i cleanup my Macbook Pro from all the older versions of 1password i have installed?

Community Member

I have been upgrading 1password on all my devices over the years and now have accumulated debris from several versions.
I started with 1password 3 on my Macbook Pros. I want to cleanup any redundant files on my computer. How do i safely do this?

1Password Version: 6.3.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OsX El Capitan
Sync Type: Wi Fy
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  • Hi @redmarkiv ,

    The current version of 1Password stores your data in one of two locations, depending on if you've purchased 1Password from the Mac App Store, or the AgileBits Store on our website:
    ~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4/

    We've used the same locations since version 4, so if you see 1Password data in locations other than the locations above, you should be able to safely remove them.


  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    Perhaps the crucial point (Kevin did say, but it is still something that is easy to overlook) is that even if you are using 1PW6 or 1PW5, the data file is named 1Password4

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Good point - thanks @danco! :)

    @redmarkiv, you mentioned you had previously used 1Password 3, so to be a bit more specific: Version 3 stored its data in this location:

    ~/Library/Application Support/1Password/

    You might see both a '1Password' folder and a '1Password 4' folder in ~/Library/Application Support/. If so, do not delete the '1Password 4' folder - that's the one which holds data for version 4/5/6, so your current data is in there. But you can delete the '1Password' folder if it's there, because that's the old folder that was used by 1Password 3.

    I hope that helps, but please let us know if you have more questions about that! :)

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