Feature Request: Re-arrange sections like labels, allow selected font changes

Community Member

I would love the ability to be able to re-arrange Sections, the same way we can currently drag & drop to re-arrange labels within a section (a feature I use all the time). For instance, I often have updated information to add in a new section (this year's insurance policy renewal terms, for example), but I still want to keep the section containing last year's terms. I have to add the new section at the bottom, but would prefer to have it located further up on the page, directly beneath the login info and the section containing the policy info that doesn't change (name on account, property insured, billing address, etc.). That way all the current info is located together at the top of the page and the older info lower down. I would be great if I could add the new section, then drag and drop the entire section to the location on the page that made the most sense for me.

My other request is to be able to select parts of text and then make font changes to just that selection, such as color changes, or making the text bold or italicized. I use the note section a lot for certain things, and it would be great to put in red or bold important text that I want to find quickly at a glance (or to remind me that I need to take care of something, etc.).

Thank you very much!

1Password Version: 6.5.BETA-15
Extension Version: 4.5.8
OS Version: OS X 10.11.6
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @NicoNico,

    Thanks for asking about this. :)

    I would love the ability to be able to re-arrange Sections, the same way we can currently drag & drop to re-arrange labels within a section (a feature I use all the time).

    I agree that this would be handy. I'll pass along your desire for this to the developers.

    My other request is to be able to select parts of text and then make font changes to just that selection, such as color changes, or making the text bold or italicized.

    I'll also let them know you'd like to see this as well! Rich text would be a nice addition for notes. :+1:

    If we can be of further assistance in the meantime, please let us know. We are always here to help. Have a great weekend!

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