Fix a problem filling in username password


How can I fix it when 1password (mac) consistently puts the username/password in the wrong place. It's happened a few times, on a few different sites for me. Not a lot, just the odd edge case. Most recently: has been giving me trouble. The page has multiple login inputs, so I thinks thats what throwing it off. How can I tell 1password where the right place to put the password is? Thanks

1Password Version: 6.3.2
Extension Version: 4.5.8
OS Version: macOS 10.11.6
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Hi @mikepal! Great question. The reason for this can vary on the site itself, so I'm glad you posted one for me to try out. I just saved a Login on that site and tried filling it. Things are certainly strange. It fills the fields I saved, whether that's the set on the left or right, but the password will not appear to be filled until you click the field to check. Since you have an account, could you let me know what happens when you don't click the field to activate it and click Login instead?

    To tell 1Password which set of fields you want it to fill, simply save a new Login item with those fields:

    How to save a Login manually in your browser

    I also checked the code on the site and form inputs on the left has different IDs from the one on the right, which means that 1Password should find things properly. If there is an issue, it may be that the form element encompasses both sets of inputs, rather than having separate forms for each one. Let me know how manually saving a Login and using it to fill goes. And if you have some other websites I can try out, post those here please. :)

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