Brand new 1password user, signed up for family - totally lost

Community Member

I just today signed up for 1password at the advice of a colleague, and thought it would good to get a family acct for my partner and I. So I have the windows app and browser extension, but no helper. Can't find it anywhere. I never get pop-ups to save my passwords. So basically I just have an empty personal and shared vault on this very lovely designed but useless app. So confused. Asked my colleage (a developer and long term 1Password user) and he couldn't figure it out either. I'm in the free trial zone but I'd really LIKE to use this if it would work as described. Am I missing something?

1Password Version: 6
Extension Version: 6.0.186d
OS Version: windows 7
Sync Type: ? never asked me to pick one?


  • Hi @brune129! I'm very sorry for the poor first impression. I would be happy to help get things cleared up. :)

    I checked your account and it looks like you are signed in to 1Password 6 for Windows, so that's a good start. To get the extension set up, you'll need to have the 1Password app and browser of choice open at the same time. And of course the extension needs to be installed. If the extension is still looking for the helper even when the app is open, try clicking the gear in the top right of the main app window, then choosing Options. From there click the Browser tab and click Register 1Password Helper. Now try the extension one more time.

    One thing to note is that the extension in 1Password 6 for Windows behaves differently than the Mac one. We're still working on adding support for saving passwords in the browser, so right now the extension can only be used to fill items you already have in there. The good news is you can create items from the app itself by clicking "New item" in the toolbar and choosing Login from the list. Then fill in your login details for that website. If I had, for example, it would look like this (with a generated password):

    Gmail login

    We're hoping to have something a bit more automatic like the browser extension support I mentioned above soon. For now I've given you an extra month trial to take things for a spin while we get things up to speed. :) If you find anything confusing or have questions, please ask us about it here. That's how we make things better — feedback about your experience.

    Lastly, thank you for the kind words about our design. I know it was combined with things not being very usable in this case, but it means a lot that you'd say that about the design. :chuffed:

    Let us know how things go!

  • Oh yes, and one other thing I wanted to mention is that I didn't see your partner on the family account. To share things with them and also give them access to 1Password on their devices, invite them to the account:

    1. Sign in at using your family address.
    2. Click your Family name in the top right and click Admin Console.
    3. In the Family Members tab, click the + button.
    4. Enter your partner's email address and click Send Invitations

    Once they accept their invite, you'll be asked to approve them as a member of the family. Click the link in the email you receive about that, then sign in and click Confirm Membership so they can get started. They're free to install 1Password on all their devices and sign in with their account to start using it there as well. :)

  • brune129
    Community Member

    Ah - i think you answered my question. I was trying to figure out why I wasn't getting prompted to enter and save my passwords. Frankly, I'm orobably not going to go into the app and enter every website and login manually... hopefully the extension for windows soon does the prompt and save function.

  • hopefully the extension for windows soon does the prompt and save function.

    Indeed. :)

    If there is anything else we can do, please don't hesitate to contact us.


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