No AutoFill No Save As


1Password 6.0.214d, FF 48.0.2, Extension 4.5.9 enabled, Win 7
Logged in to Master
Extension icon visible
Amazon login page
Enter user, password- Did not submit
No auto fill
Helper- No manual "Save as". No Menu, when gear clicked.
Click gear- Only choices>Options, Lock, Open 1Password

1Password Version: 6.0.214d
Extension Version: 4.5.9
OS Version: Win 7
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • littlebobbytables

    Greetings @neuman,

    While they are making terrific progress, 1Password 6 for Windows is still a beta and there are still areas where 1Password 4 will seem more polished. One of the goals behind 1Password 6 was to allow 1Password to run on more than just the desktop so they started completely from scratch, being unable to use any of the existing code. It has made for a challenging time though, getting literally just the basics into place before they could even consider all the features we've all become accustomed to. Thing are changing at a rapid rate though so I often lose track of what has been added. Despite this I believe 1Password 6 for Windows has yet to add support for saving from inside the browser either automatically by prompting the user or through a manual command. It will come, it's just there is a lot to do to ensure the basics are solid.

    Now submitting after filling should work. It works for me and that's both with a Login item I had moved over from my Mac as well as a brand new item created from inside the 1Password 6 for Windows main screen. Indeed it seems like they also need to implement the ability to disable that feature for those sites where you don't want it to submit. There is a global option though so I'm wondering if it is disabled in your copy. If you enter 1Password's options and switch to the Browser tab you should see an option titled Automatically submit logins after filling, is this checkbox ticked? If it isn't can you try enabling please and see if you find submitting works.

    That just leaves the query regarding auto fill. I'd like to ask what you explicitly mean by this as people tend to have different definitions and it's best to avoid any confusion by us accidentally talking about different things. 1Password will only ever fill a page when instructed to do so by the user e.g. after using the keyboard shortcut or selecting an item from inside the 1Password helper menu. For some people this is what they mean by auto fill and 1Password doesn't do that, purposely so for reasons of security. We feel it's better if 1Password only jumps into action when instructed to do so. When some people say auto fill though they're referring to the filling that should take place after you instruct 1Password to fill using a Login item and if 1Password isn't doing this then there is definitely an issue. We'll wait for confirmation as to which you mean and continue the discussion :smile:

    1Password 6 for Windows will become more feature rich over time and will eventually be capable of many of the key features that people expect to see in 1Password. It's like how things were with 1Password 4 for Mac when they rewrote the entire application - it just takes a while to get things back to how we were used to but the hope is a fresh codebase means all sorts of new opportunities.

This discussion has been closed.