Incorrect form filling on (Irish Revenue)


1Password's extension in Firefox (and Chrome) mis-fills the login form on -

There are 5 fields - a PPSN (think SSN), 3 fields for birthday components, and a password field.

If I delete my entry in 1Password, and then fill in the form and submit it, 1Password correctly identifies all 5 fields and stores them. PPSN is flagged as username, the password field is flagged as password, the 3 date fields are flagged as none.

If I sign out of and go to sign back in, the 1Password fill will try to put the PPSN into the year field of the birthday section. This doesn't work very well, and I have to fix things (which I can do, but it negates the purpose of 1Password).

If I remove the 'username' flag from the PPSN field in 1Password, the form doesn't fill correctly either - only the password field is filled in.

1Password Version: 4.6.0 beta 614
Extension Version: 4.5.9
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • littlebobbytables

    Hi @bajandude,

    Thank you for this report. I've not had the chance yet to really delve into why this is happening but I feel this site does highlight a bug that we need to address. If my initial thoughts are correct the only solution here is a fix from us. Normally if there is the possibility of a workaround I like to spend the time to figure it out so the person can get things rolling again while we work on the proper fix but I think the location of the bug means we just need to get this fixed before you can see better behaviour from 1Password. I do apologise but thank you for bringing this to our attention as it's the sort of thing where it could easily be affecting other sites and you've made us aware of it.

    ref: BRAIN-299

  • bajandude
    Community Member

    Cheers :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited September 2016

    :sunglasses: :+1:

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