1Password mini sort order feature request



When using the 1Password mini to fill in the account and password, it automatically selects the items that are useful, but after 10 items it stops and gives the ... which is okay. But the one item I have favorited is below the ... and making this a two step click.

I would like this list to be sorted first on Favorite or not and then on alphabetical or most used.

Thanks for all the great work!

1Password Version: 6.3.2
Extension Version: Safari browser extension
OS Version: 10.11.6
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:1password mini


  • littlebobbytables

    Greetings @florisvdsande,

    I suspect part of the issue you're facing will be based on the URLs stored in the various items. This is an area we do see a bit of confusion over so I'd like to take a moment to explain how 1Password works.

    When 1Password mini is asked to display the menu with a browser active it first filters the list based on the domain. Let's use Google as an example. So whether you have items with URLS set to https://www.google.com or https://accounts.google.com and so on it will include all of the because they're all for google.com. Now we take this filtered list and the first thing we do is sort by the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) (so by subdomain). Now Google's login page is at https://accounts.google.com so any item with this URL is always shown in the first visible list while others that matched the domain but not the FQDN are relegated behind a Show X more items option. These sorted groups are then sorted alphabetically based on the Login title. The exception to the alphabetical sorting is if an item is a favourite. If it's a favourite it's put to the top of the list.

    So let's say you have 5 Google accounts, two of which have the correct FQDN and three just say https://www.google.com. If the one you use the most is one of those latter three you will always have to ask to see more to find it even if it's a favourite. What you should find though is if it's a favourite it will always be at the top of that group. If all the items are set to the same URL you should find favourites spring to the top of the list as you want them to and that unless you have a massive number of matching Login items you won't need the extra click to see the list.

    Does this help manage 1Password mini?

  • nnc
    Community Member


    I can see why this second (alphabetical) sorting makes sense in case of Google, Yahoo, Facebook and most other websites, but it actually creates a bit of a problem for sites like Freshbooks and many others who give each "company" a subdomain.

    So let's say I have two Freshbooks logins and they're both saved in 1Password with name "Freshbooks" and these URLs and usernames:
    1. https://first.freshbooks.com/ - firstuser
    2. https://second.freshbooks.com/ - seconduser

    When I find myself on https://second.freshbooks.com/ and click on the 1Password button in my browser, I'm offered two Freshbooks login, firstuser and seconduser, in that order.

    I see two issues here:

    • I never need to be offered the firstuser here, because unlike for Google, it makes no sense to offer me usernames from other subdomains as they will never work.
    • Even more importantly, why not offer me the exact match at the top of the list? So in this case, that would be seconduser and then firstuser.

    So this comes down to how important exact FQDN match is, and the answer is it depends on the website in question. In case of Google and most other sites, it's not that important and it helps the user to relax the matching, like you do now.
    In case of Freshbooks and other subdomain focused websites, it would actually help quite a bit to perform the exact match only, or at least sort the exact match to the top, regardless of other sorting criteria, like favorites, names, etc.

    Do you have any plans to improve the situation for these subdomain focused websites? Either by giving users control over enabling the exact FQDN matching per 1Password login, or by maintaining a whitelist of known subdomain focused websites, though you probably don't want to do that. :)

  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    @nnc I just tested 1Password with the default settings and I see a different behavior with FreshBooks. Here's what I found:

    I have a FreshBooks account myself, so what I needed were two other FreshBooks accounts. Luckily, I know a couple other friends that have FreshBooks as well so I used those. Let's call the three accounts a, b, and z, with subdomains of a.freshbooks.com and so on. I gave my actual FreshBooks Login a title of zzzFreshBooks so I could more easily see if it sorts differently. Then, I created a dummy Login with a URL of a.freshbooks.com and gave it a title of aaaFreshBooks

    When I went to a.freshbooks.com and clicked the 1Password button in the browser, I saw aaaFreshBooks at the top of the list followed by zzzFreshBooks. So far so good!

    When I went to z.freshbooks.com and clicked the 1Password button in the browser, I saw zzzFreshBooks at the top of the list followed by aaaFreshBooks. Huzzah!

    Now, for b.freshbooks.com and the moment of truth. I went to the page and clicked the toolbar button. Because b does not match a or z, 1Password isn't able to determine which of the two is the better Login. Both of the Logins match equally, so 1Password presents them in an alphabetically sorted list, aaa followed by zzz.

    So, the question now is if your behavior matches. From your posts, it sounds like it might not. One possibility for why it might not is in the 1Password > Preferences > Browsers screen in the main 1Password application. Do you have the "Allow filling on pages that closely match saved websites" checkbox checked? If so, uncheck it and try again and see if it works better for you.

    Let us know how it goes.

    Jamie Phelps
    Code Wrangler @ AgileBits

  • nnc
    Community Member

    Thank you @jxpx777

    You're spot on! I had that enabled, and now that I disabled it, it works as I would expect it to.
    I did try looking through the preferences before posting this, but I missed it. Not that there is anything wrong with switch it self. It's actually in a logical place and has a clear explanation of what it does. User error!

    Thanks again!

  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Glad that helped, @nnc! Let us know if you need anything else. :)

This discussion has been closed.