Fill Zip Code on Credit Card Entries PLEASE


This is LONG overdue. It's really a pain that the Zip isn't automatically filled out when the credit card numbers are entered. With the level of success that 1Password has had in the recent past, I can't believe you guys haven't figured out a way to do this.

I know the "recommendation" is to fill the Identity out, but quite frankly, it actually adds more work doing it that way because the user has to scan through all the fields to make sure nothing important changed.

Honestly, I think this is just laziness on the part of the development team. There have to be no more than 5 variations not the way a Zip Code / Zip / Postal Code is asked for (that's three for you right there).

Here's why the solution offered to us is not a solution.

Many of us have different credit cards with different Zip Codes if they are for work, home, etc that are associated with the billing address for the card. So I still have to remember the Zip code for each card. It's not hard, but really, then what's the point of 1Password if it doesn't fulfill the claim of making it easy.

So I either remember which zip is which and type it in (faster), or I use an "Identity" which often changes Shipping address details when adding billing details. Now I have to go through and double verify everything that was entered and make corrections.

I'd rather 1Password at least made an ATTEMPT at filling the Zip and if it worked 80% of the time, that would be satisfactory. I think we as users can understand a field mismatch on occasion, but it's really hard to understand why your development team can't figure this out. It's not that hard of a problem.

Or give us the option of if we want a custom field auto-entered. I'm sure that there are several website that users go to frequently and it would be nice to have custom fields filled out (purchase orders, account numbers, or what have you).

It's time now to bring this app to the level of its promise. It's good, but it's not significantly better than Safari's and Keychain's storing of CC #'s and passwords.

Thanks for listening,

Bhavesh Patel

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:undefined, kb-search:zip code


  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, Bhavesh. Thanks for your post. I'm sorry for all the frustration. I do most of my work on the browser extensions and form filling logic, so it makes me doubly sad to hear how frustrating this is for you.

    The distinction between Credit Card and Identity items is one that does create some problems. Right now, 1Password only knows how to fill one item at a time, and since the Credit Card item does not include the zip code, that's why it's not given an opportunity to fill it. I know this is not ideal and I don't intend this to say this isn't a problem but rather to explain why the situation is as it is. Basically, it's a brokenness in how we conceive of these items.

    As for the number of variations that there are for asking for a zip or postal code, there are many more than 5. For starters, some sites don't use well-formed HTML, so rather than having a nice <label> that connects the text you see to the element, they might use a simple <td> or <dd>. Some sites don't use any sort of labeling at all and rely on the placeholder attribute or worse a non-zip code initial value. And then 1Password needs to avoid false positives where the zip code is placed in the wrong field. (I wouldn't want someone to accidentally order 90,210 sweaters because 1Password mis-filled their Beverly Hills zip code into a quantity field for instance.) Oh, and then 1Password needs to do this in more languages than just English. (This last bit is something we need to improve on but it is something that expands the possibility space of what 1Password needs to contend with.) Again, this isn't an excuse, but it is an attempt to describe just a little bit (I've skipped over some of the more esoteric things that 1Password does…) of the complexity involved in the filling process that is perhaps not immediately apparent when looking at a web page that looks to a human eye like a sane page with some text next to an input field.

    So, all that being said, what do we plan to do about it? One thing I can say right now is that we are planning for some improvements to how 1Password items understand their own filling capabilities. I can't say much more than that right now and I know it's a vague statement, but especially when it comes to Identity and Credit Card filling, it should be a huge improvement. Another thing that we have on our list is to improve the filling of billing and shipping details. This will be partly related to the first item I mentioned, but if a Credit Card item has a zip code available, then we could more reasonably assume that is a Billing type detail rather than Shipping and adjust our filling accordingly. I don't have a timeframe to share for when these improvements will be available, but I do want you to know that it's something we are thinking about and actively planning to address in the future.

    Thanks again for your post, Bhavesh. 1Password is what it is today in no small part because users like you expected the best from us from the very earliest days. While I don't have a better answer for you right now, I do want you to know you're heard and that we will continue striving to meet all our users' highest expectations every day. If you have any other questions, concerns, or suggestions, please don't hesitate to let us know.

    Jamie Phelps
    Code Wrangler @ AgileBits

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