after updating on 1password on my mac, chrome extension does not work on my windows computer at work


1password chrome extension works fine on my mac after updating 1password Mac app, but the extension no longer works on my chrome browser on my windows work computer. I have the latest windows version of 1password.

I guess the new authentication method on the mac broke the relationship that the 1password app on my windows (work) computer had with the chrome extension. Is a fix planned?

I have a software license for 1password on windows and Mac as well as ios.

1Password Version: 6.35 on mac/ 4.35 on Windows
Extension Version: chrome browser
OS Version: OS X "Sierra" / windows
Sync Type: dropbox


  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @wapanka. Do you have any security software installed on your Windows PC? Since the new authorization mechanism encrypts subsequent traffic, some security software flags this and blocks the communications.

    Jamie Phelps
    Code Wrangler @ AgileBits

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