the application does not work with, did anybody have a better luck?


the application does not work with, did anybody have a better luck?

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @galaxyking,

    Can I ask what you have tried to do so far? I visited the site but it's one of those two-stage login sites where I will never be able to see the second page as I'm not a customer.

    If you try the steps outlined on our page Sign in to websites with username and password split across multiple pages does it fill either the first or second page or is the issue with both?

    The page I've just linked you to also has a backup strategy where we ask if you find 1Password copes better if you save a Login item per page. Just like above, what happens if trying to save a single Login item doesn't work and you try this, what happens on each page?

    Normally I like to go test a site myself so I can report back on my firsthand experiences but the only way to see what I am guessing is the password page is to have a real account and be accessing it from an authorised device. That sadly means I will only be able to learn about the second page from the descriptions supplied. It makes it tougher to help but certainly not impossible :smile:

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