Chrome extension blocking mouse clicks and hover over.


I am running 1Password mini Chrome extension and sometimes after accessing the extension, I lose mouse clicks and mouse hover in browser. In order to gain control of the mouse back, I have to click once on the Chrome extension just to pop it up, then I can continue using my browser normally.

This is not a deal breaker...but it's an annoying bug that showed up over the past year or so. My friend who is also a 1P user experiences the same issues. Has anyone else seen this?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:chrome extension


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @kevindwu,

    I've moved your query from our beta forums as it isn't a beta specific issue, indeed it turns out to not be a 1Password issue at all. With the amazing help of another user we eventually pinned this down to Chrome's password manager and the user in question was able to reproduce the undesirable behaviour in a test that didn't include the 1Password extension. If you turn off Chrome's password manager you should find this annoying behaviour disappears and this should work equally as well for your friend. If you find it doesn't please do let us know but given the success rate so far I'm confident you will be reporting success :smile:

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