Force touch search

Jensen Gelfond
Jensen Gelfond
Community Member

When I use force touch to open one 1Password in search mode, it should immediately bring up the keyboard for typing. As of now I have force touch, press search, and then tap the search field to start searching.


  • Thanks for the feedback, @Jensen Gelfond! I haven't been able to upgrade from my iPhone 6 quite yet so I haven't been able to experience the awesomeness that is force touch. I can certainly see how this bit would be annoying though! I'll be happy to pass the feedback along to our development team to see if this is something they can improve.


  • inquirer5
    Community Member

    I have the same issue. It used to work, but at some point it stopped working. Now when I use 3D Touch and click Search 1Password opens and the search UI displays for a split second before reverting back to the Categories view. I have to manually click the search bar to initiate the search.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Jensen Gelfond, @inquirer5: I'm able to reproduce this as well. It seems to also affect search from 3rd party apps, such as Launch Center Pro. The development team is aware of the issue, so hopefully we can find a good fix for this. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience! In the mean time, this seems to only happen if 1Password is locked when "open and search" is attempted, so it will at least work on subsequent searches after unlocking. Thanks for bringing this up!

    ref: OPI-3708

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