Why are my password not auto-filling?


I tried the following link and directions I found on your forum but I have had no success.


I cannot get any of my passwords/logins to auto fill within any browser on my Mac OS 10.11.16 (El Capitan)

I like the product, just recently signed up but if I can't get this fixed then I will have to get rid of it. I'm frustrated I have had so many problem with this simple product. The extension is installed in Safari as well and it doesn't even come up in the toolbar and therefore I can't even come close to using that extension. It was working before but now all of a sudden it's not working.

1Password Version: 6.3.5 (635001)
Extension Version:
OS Version: 10.11.6
Sync Type: cloud


  • marshit
    Community Member

    I have had 2 support problems with this software and receive no help at all.

    I submitted an email for another problem on Sunday and I have no answer yet.

    This is another problem and I have no answer as well. This software is a joke and I will be deleting it now, I would rather what I had before instead of this bloated terrible application.

    Thanks Agile for no help on any of my problems.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni


    I looked for the email you or emails you sent us and it seems based on how it ended you are now unlikely to be interested in troubleshooting why the 1Password Safari Extension was not visible in the Safari toolbar. I hope you find a password manager that fits your needs. If you do decide to try 1Password again at some point in the future we will of course try to assist with any issues should they arise.

    ref: UKD-45414-788

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