feature requests: timezones and device deactivate

Community Member

It's not a big one, but allow me to setup a timezone for my family (default), and specify per individual (this would actually be even more important for teams). Then in your emails to me, don't tell me times in UTC...(new device accessed at XXXXX), tell me via MY timezone. Especially since this is critical stuff, you don't want me (the user) trying to tz calculate. Not many folks work in UTC (but I am SUPREMELY satisfied to see you running core in UTC...oh my god, the operations groups that think 'server local timezone' ...UGH.

device deactivate - I was reading another topic and if you have 'authorized devices' I assume that removing them would 'de-authorize them'. If that is not the case (which it seems is true) then the DEVICE is not authorized!!! It's simply "devices accessed from". Please implement the mechanism for me to de-authorize.

By the way - very nice. I'm IOS, Windows, AND Mac...

1Password Version: Not Provided
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OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:timezone


  • nmott
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the feedback! Our development team is aware of both requests, but as you can imagine we're quite busy with new features, bug fixes, and other improvements to 1Password Families and 1Password Teams so I can't predict when the changes might be made. But we do appreciate knowing what our customers would like to see from 1Password and take that into account while we continue development :)

    ref: B5-107

  • CloseAtHand
    Community Member

    I'd love to see this too. I am a geek, but only ubergeeks work in UTC. There is a bigger audience for Zulu than UTC ;)

  • john_m
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @CloseAtHand! As @nmott said, we're aware of this - when we're providing support for our customers, and the timing of things becomes relevant, we have to work with the UTC stuff too! Setting a timezone for an account is part of a "preferences" update we have in mind for 1Password accounts; I can't give you a firm date of when a timezone preference will appear, but it's definitely on our radar!

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