browser extension no longer has form fill


I recently upgraded to 1password 6 and a web based account. I have a family and a business vault (as well as personal). The browser plugin (chrome) no longer has any option to fill forms or credit card info. I have info in 1 password for this. What happened?

1Password Version: 6.2.333
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 7
Sync Type: web
Referrer: forum-search:web forms


  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @roid ,

    Thanks for writing in - the browser extension can fill forms for both Logins and Credit Card items. My guess is that when you click on the 1Password extension in Chrome you see a 1Password Mini popup with blank white screen with the text "no suitable items found...."?

    If that's correct, then you're on a web page for which you don't have any Login items for (based on the URL of the page) and you'll need to search for the Login item you'd like to use. You can search by typing into the search box at the top of the 1Password Mini. In order for your item to appear you should also have selected the vault that the item is in (you can use the drop-down just to the left of the search field). Then clicking a Login item should take you to the website associated with it and log you in.

    The Credit Card filling is similar - however for these you'll always need to search for your Credit Card item. Then clicking on it should fill in the details into the billing form on the current web page.

    Hope this helps, if not please let me know and we'll see what else we can do.

    Best regards,

  • roid
    Community Member

    Actually, there's nothing when I open the browser extension. If I go to a page, for instance the 1password page for adding a credit card, and click on 1Password Mini it's blank, no credit card options, nothing. There are zero form fill options appearing anywhere.

  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Hey again @roid ,

    Hmmm, let me show you what I see and you can let me know if you're seeing something different. When I click on the 1Password extension button and type in "Master Card" to search for a Credit Card my Credit Card item will appear in the search results just below the search box. The Credit Card that appears is one that I've created already in the 1Password app.

    Here's a screenshot - the pink arrow shows where I've entered my search for the Credit Card item:

    So things to check:
    1. That there is a Credit Card item in 1Password. You can add one in the main app by clicking "New Item" > "Credit Card" and filling in the Credit Card form that appears on the right.
    2. That searching for the title of this Credit Card item in the 1Password extension popup shows you something similar to my screenshot above.

    Does that help at all?

    Best regards,

  • roid
    Community Member

    Had no idea it worked that way. The previous versions, and your knowledge base, show that upon clicking the extension options for credit cards or for fills appear. How would I handle form filling for other than credit cards (like name, address, etc)?

  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Hey again @roid ,

    Thanks for getting back to me and I'm glad it makes sense now :chuffed: Using the Credit Card & Identity item filling also work in the same way as the Login items. Once you create a Credit Card or Identity item in the 1Password app you can also search for them in the 1Password Mini in same way as you would for a Login item. When it shows up in the search results you can click on either the Credit Card / Identity item and that will cause it to fill in a billing / identity web form.

    Sorry for the confusion in some of our Windows documentation - we currently have documentation for both 1Password for Windows version 4 and version 6 which do look differently. Especially when it comes to 1Password Mini that appears when you click on the 1Password Extension button. A number of our documentation articles still do refer to version 4 which would explain why you see those options in the screenshots. Sorry again, we are constantly updating our documentation so hopefully we will update these soon.

    I hope this helps - if you've any further questions or something doesn't makes sense don't hesitate to let me know.

    Best regards,

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