1PW login update did not work


Changed PW @ blue mountain.com - selected update login ... the new password did not save. I tried this several time, to no avail.

1Password Version: 6.6
Extension Version: BETA-2 (660002)
OS Version: MACOS SIERRA 10.12.2
Sync Type: DROPBOX
Referrer: forum-search:1PW login update did not work


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @WDC,

    Unfortunately it seems valid credit card details are required to create a test account at http://www.bluemountain.com which makes it harder to take a peek and see what we're up against. So I have a couple of questions just to see what we might be looking at.

    When you say you "selected update login" was that?

    1. Within the website and 1Password didn't react at all.
    2. After updating in the website did 1Password pop up the familiar 1Password Save Login window but the Create New was active and you had to change it.
    3. After updating in the website 1Password displayed the 1Password Save Login window and it had already selected the Update Existing tab?

    The other question I have is, if you used the Password Generator to generate the new password do you find you have Password items for this site in your Trash or do the Password items appear in your vault?

    This will help narrow down what paths 1Password might have taken. Cheers :smile:

  • WDC
    Community Member

    None of 1 thru 3. That part worked as always. It just did not update the password in 1Password.

    There are 3 Password items in the trash, all from the day I experienced the problem.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @WDC,

    Apologies, I don't think I explained myself correctly or maybe I did and I'm misunderstanding. 1-3 were various possible behaviours you might have observed and I'm trying to understand what you saw. You logged into the website as normal, went to their change password form and after submitting the form what happened? I can only visualise three scenarios which were 1-3 and it was either 1Password didn't realise there was something to react to, it defaulted to thinking you should create a new Login item or it defaulted to asking if you wanted to update an existing one.

    The Password items in the Trash does tell us something though. Does your Login item for this site have a show previously used passwords button and do the timestamps roughly match those of the trashed Password items? and given there are three trashed Password items I would be interested if the latest two entries in the previously used passwords list match the passwords in two of those Password items.

  • WDC
    Community Member


    The login for the site does not have a previously used passwords button. One of the passwords in the trash is the one that is currently the login password, and it does not work. I am in the process of waiting for instructions ro change my "forgotten" password. Once I do that, I'll record everything step by step for you if 1PW does not behave accordingly.



  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @WDC: Thanks for keeping us updated! It sounds like maybe you updated your password by hand or saved a brand new login, which would explain why there's no password history. Let us know what you find!

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