No longer able to fill Identity or credit card info from the browser extension


I am a long time user and rely heavily on the 1Password browser extension.

I am trialling a hosted account and 1Password version 6 on Windows but the browser extension only offers to fill in logins and never offers identity or credit card details even when I am on a web page with a form for these items.

I am using the following software versions:

  • Windows 10
  • 1Passwword 6.2.333d
  • Firefox 50.1.0

1Password Version: 6.2.333d
Extension Version: 4.6.2
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type:


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Midshipman,

    1Password 6 for Windows still has some way to go before it will reach the maturity of 1Password for Mac or 1Password 4 for Windows and one of the areas that we do acknowledge needs some love is the 1Password helper. Now 1Password 6 for Windows can fill an Identity or Credit Card item, what it's missing is a friendly interface to access the items. If you try searching for the title of your Credit Card or Identity item it should appear in the list and selecting it will fill. Yes, it's far from ideal and it will be improved on but I'm unable to say when. Due to how new 1Password 6 is there are many features demanding development time and all have extremely valid claims to make them a priority.

    1Password 6 will get better over time, of this I have no doubt. Hopefully this particular feature won't be too long.

  • Midshipman
    Community Member

    Thanks for the quick response. I had seen various older discussions here about limitations in the beta version of 1Password 6 for Windows but had hoped that, now it is a fully released product, most of these would have been resolved.

    As functionality seems to be less than 1Password 4 at the moment it would be nice to see a feature comparison and product roadmap posted somewhere on the Agile Bits site as figuring out the pros and cons of sticking with a perpetual licence versus moving to the new hosted solution is proving tricky.

    I would like to switch to the hosted version so that I can use 1Password for Families but maybe I will have to wait for it to catch up to the product that I know and love.

  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Thank you for the suggestion @Midshipman! Hopefully we can add these features for you soon so you can move over to the Family Account. Glad to hear you're liking the features in the Family Account :+1:

  • Manaburner
    Community Member

    You can also count me in. I would have an easier time switching to a 1Password account if there weren't so many missing features compared to 1P 4 on Windows

  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for adding your voice, @manaburner.

This discussion has been closed.