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New user on my license can't create multiple vaults, or sync with my vault

Community Member

I have a license which allows me up to 5 users. Currently, we are 2 users. I wanted to add a 3rd user, so I had her download 1Password 6.5.3 (same version I have), and enter my license key. Her version, however, is missing several features that mine has, including the ability to create multiple vaults and to sync. I would like to share a vault with her, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do this in her version. The Sync feature doesn't even show up in her version of 1Password under Preferences, nor does the New Vault menu item. From what I've been reading, the licensed versions of 1Password should still have all the same features as before, so why is this?

1Password Version: 6.5.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.12.2 & 10.11.5
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:license sync


  • Roman
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @CISPDX - It sounds like the third user signed up for a 1Password subscription account instead of starting with a local vault. With subscription accounts syncing is automatic, which is why 1Passwords hides the sync options. Also multiple vaults are handled differently with a subscription, so these options would be hidden as well.

    If the user hasn't entered any data yet, the quickest option to get back on track would be to sign out of their account (click 1Password -> Preferences -> Accounts, then the Sign Out button in the bottom right of the window). 1Password will now quit and relaunch automatically, presenting you with our Welcome screen. Please click on More Options and then choose the option to Create a standalone vault.

    The user should then delete their account from its profile page: They won't need it when using a license.

    I hope this helps. Please let me know if you need anything else. I’m here for you! :)

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