Open and Fill Does Nor Work Reliabily


I have been a fan of 1Password for a long time. Use it with DropBox sync and it used to work flawlessly. Lately, not so much. I have 6.5.3 and all the latest extensions for Chrome and Firefox. When I open a place with 1PW and click on open and fill, my preferred method, it takes me to the login page, but rarely if ever fills in the password and user name. Sure it works if I click the extension button in my browser, but I don't want to do it that way. How come 1PW is so balky now? I want the Open and Fill to work every time. Also, while I'm complaining, I will complain about the fact that the rich icon are a PITA to change now. If, for example, Shell is part of the Citibank empire, it changes the icon to Citi. Changing it back never ever sticks. I never thought I would look for a new program for PW management, but I am now thinking about it.

1Password Version: 6.5.3
Extension Version: up to date
OS Version: 10.12.3
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @dsweingard ,

    Sorry about the trouble with 1Password but thanks for taking the time to share your experience. We love hearing about gripes with 1Password so we can improve and fix things. Hopefully we can make things right in this case.

    Let's focus on the "open and fill" functionality first - is this only happening for certain websites or for all websites you have? If it's just for certain websites could you let me know which ones and I'll try to test them out myself to see if I can reproduce the issue.

    Secondly, are you using "open and fill" directly from the main app or from 1Password Mini?

    Regarding the Rich Icons - there is a known issue where if you click Edit on a Login item and change the Login's image it will still display the original icon until you click "Save". Then your custom icon will be displayed correctly.

    Did that help?

    Best regards,

    ref: OPM-4381

  • dsweingard
    Community Member

    Thanks for the comment. It's the main app. I don't use the mini thing anymore. I've tried it on multiple browsers and it just doesn't reliably open and fill anymore. Shell Oil is one and Citibank is another. Thanks.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @dsweingard,

    Sorry to be a pain but could you supply precise URLs please. I often find that banks (given you've mentioned Citibank) have a number of login pages and we'd very much like to test the pages you're trying to work with. Part of the testing we do with each stable or beta release of the extension is to make sure open and fill is working so I'm interested to see what these pages are like.

    There are things that can mess up open and fill. If a page requires any user interaction to bring up the login form that can stop open and fill from working and if a site after loading the page has to do a lot of work before the login form is actually displayed (maybe because of JavaScript) that could be a factor too. The event we can use from the browser is that the page has loaded as there isn't an event to indicate that the page is completely ready following on post-loading processing.

    The precise URLs will let us test and hopefully we can learn something about what might be happening :smile:

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni
    edited February 2017

    Hi @dsweingard,

    For the second URL, can you try tweaking the stored URL in the website field for me please and see how you get along. At the moment it should read inside of the actual Login item in 1Password, can you edit it just ever so slightly so it instead contains and see if you find that works better. If your results match mine I think it's discovered a small bug in how open and fill is handled in certain situations.

    With the first URL it highlights the issues we have with Citi and their ever expanding number of login pages. Each requires special attention and a general rule for the site won't work based on the little I've seen. It seems we need to trawl the site yet again and see what other login pages have either popped up or changed since we last looked. I will open a bug report for this. My suspicion here, unless you can tell me otherwise, is that it isn't just open and fill but it's filling in general.

    ref: OPM-4154
    ref: OPX-1185

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