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Trouble adding old Mac laptop

Community Member

I'm trying to add my old MacBook to my account. The MacBook is running OS 10.6.8. It won't scan the QR code. When I send a link, I get a message that the Mac OS doesn't recognize links starting with onepassword.

Please advise.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Roman
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @pfapl - Thanks for raising this question. The minimum requirements for running 1Password 6 is Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite). You're probably running an older version than 1Password 6 on your MacBook. Versions prior to 1Password 6 don't have support for memberships.

    My advice would be to use web access on your MacBook. It's not quite as comfortable as using the native apps, mainly because the browser extensions won't work without the native apps, but you'd still have your password data at hand. :)

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