Should I use master-type passwords for other things than 1password?

Community Member


Should I use master-type passwords for more things than 1password? I use it for devices like laptops.
But what about email? I never login manually, but might there be another reason for having a password that you easily can remember here?

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Referrer: forum-search:best practice


  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @MattiasThalen

    Thank you for getting in touch with us! I think that by "master-type passwords" you mean diceware passwords, right? The ones that look like this: cochlea-gotten-hone-well

    If that's the case, then it's up to you whether you want to use random character passwords or these. Mathematically speaking diceware passwords are indeed a little bit less secure, however they're still really good (specially if you're not personally targeted or something like that). Personally, I've chosen to mostly use long diceware passwords for most of my new accounts because I like being able to have some intuition of what's going on in each of my passwords and to be able to read them even if I might never need to do so. I fall back to fully random passwords when there's a limit in the number of characters or other constraints that won't allow me use good diceware ones. It also makes it easier to type them in the rare cases when I'm looking at the password on my phone but logging in in a friend's computer ;)

    At the end of the day, you need to ponder the pros and cons for both options and pick whatever combination works best for you! :chuffed:

  • MattiasThalen
    Community Member

    Hi @Pilar

    Correct, I meant diceware passphrases :chuffed:

    I was thinking more along the lines that if I for some reason loose access to 1password, I also loose access to my email.
    But after thinking some more, it wouldn't matter if I had a diceware PW for my email or just 64 random chars, I wouldn't remember it either way :ohnoes:

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @MattiasThalen: Word-based passwords can be secure and much easier to memorize, but it's definitely a challenge to remember more either way — which is why I try to make 1Password fill in the gaps in my memory as much as possible. Cheers! :lol:

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