Is there an extension for the browser Cliqz?

Options is a great browser. I'd vote for a 1Password extension. Thank you, Daniel
PS: for mac.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.11.6
Sync Type: dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:cliqz


  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for your post, @giraffe. Per Cliqz FAQ, they do not allow add-ons. We focus on supporting the latest versions of Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Opera, and we recognize code signatures for several other browsers as well. But, any browser we add any 1Password support for has to pass review with our security team and also have a robust extension infrastructure. Many browsers (like Edge and Firefox) have begun implementing a unified extensions infrastructure based on Chrome's APIs, so that's the kind of thing we look for.

    I hope that helps. If we can be of further assistance, please let us know.

    Jamie Phelps
    Code Wrangler @ AgileBits

  • m_m2017
    Community Member

    Just following up on this:
    Cliqz is a privacy-oriented browser, so squarely aligned in mission with tools like 1Password (and in fact they just bought Ghostery which is another great privacy management tool).
    It's built on the Mozilla code base, so that makes me wonder whether it could be somewhat easy to implement--but then again, I can't find anything for Mozilla either. Thoughts?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited February 2017

    @m_m2017: It certainly makes some sense from that perspective, but as Jamie mentioned, regardless of their codebase, if they don't allow for extensions in their design there won't be any way for 1Password or (or any other apps) to integrate with it. I'd encourage you to contact its developers and request that they look into WebExtensions, since that's something Firefox is bringing anyway and appears to be the direction the industry is going. Who knows, maybe they're already working on it and that's why they don't have anything currently. Cheers! :)

  • m_m2017
    Community Member

    They seem to have somewhat changed their tune, although it's not clear. They indicate that they integrate with LastPass and HTTPS Everywhere--not sure if these are built on a different architecture rather than the extension APIs referred to above. Anyway, something to keep an eye on perhaps. In reading "" it says merged with Firefox so it's got to be relatively simple on one or both ends, just that they've chosen not to do it? This is of course an entirely selfish request as I'd love to be able to use an even more privacy-aware browser but not lose my fantastic 1Password integration!

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @m_m2017,

    I find one line interesting.

    The two available extensions in Cliqz have been updated to the latest versions.

    It would seem they still don't intend to offer general support for extensions but have decided to include the efforts of two and built them directly into the browser. It reminds me of Brave who I believe have done something similar. There isn't much we can do there I'm afraid, if this is the direction they want their browser to go in that is their decision. I see a question in their FAQ relating to this decision, Why does cliqz for desktop not allow add-ons? where they supply a link to their contact form for their users to tell them what extensions are important. It looks like this may be the only way you may see the 1Password Browser Extension in Cliqz any time soon.

    I certainly understand being passionate about a browser, they do seem to quite a personal choice. I'm lucky, as a fan of Vivaldi I can install our extension with no fuss but it wasn't always the case. I used to be a big fan of Opera pre-v15 and so I never did experience version 3 of the 1Password extension. I loved 1Password but I loved Opera too. Hopefully Cliqz sees some good things happen.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @m_m2017: Just to add to what lil bobby said, while we certainly appreciate your passion for using 1Password and it could help if you let the browser developers know, I'd go a step further and suggest you ask them not for 1Password support, but to support the WebExtensions industry standard which could allow you to use 1Password and other useful extensions down the road. It may be that they already have plans for this and just aren't sharing them publicly, but either way it never hurts to let them know your interest as a user. Cheers! :)

  • m_m2017
    Community Member
    edited February 2017

    Good dialogue guys--thanks for the responses and feedback! I've already asked Cliqz for both WebExtensions and 1Password support--hope being that 1Password would be a clear use case which would push them on WebExtensions (which in general they do seem to be against).
    It galls me slightly that they have "chosen" LastPass while ignoring other utilities that would provide a similar function--we'll see what they say, if anything.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited February 2017

    While we obviously feel that 1Password is a great reason to implement extension support on its own, certainly having access to the rest of the extensions ecosystem out there is something I think anyone can get behind...and will likely help them get more users as a result. ;)

  • LeeL
    Community Member

    I too am looking for Cliqz integration. What I find odd is isn't Cliqz based on Mozilla Firefox and I just assumed that WebExtensions. Doesn't Firefox support WebExtensions ?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @LeeL: Mozilla is aiming for full WebExtensions and NativeMessaging support in Firefox 57 toward the end of 2017. At that point support for older add-ons/extensions will be dropped, so it wouldn't surprise me if Cliqz didn't see a value in adding support for what Firefox is using now under the circumstances.

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