Firefox 53 has problem saving and pasting on specific webpage


Firefox 53 has problem saving and filling out text from the middle of this webpage.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: 4.6.4
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @Barky,

    Thanks for writing in, I've tested out this particular website using 1Password for Windows 4 and I was able to get the username and password to fill into the login fields. However I did need to click on the password field in order to see that the password has been filled (see screenshot below of what I mean):

    Is this the issue you found with this web page?

    Do you find that after filling the website will reject the login?

    Looking forward to hearing back.

    Best regards,

  • Barky
    Community Member

    I have enter user/password here (and it was not saved).

  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @Barky,

    Hmm, I'm not sure what is going on with the web page but I cannot access that Login form using the following URL:

    Whenever I try to access it, the website redirects me to the following web page, however this page doesn't seem to provide any links to the above /login.php page so I can't get to the same page:

    This could be a translation issue for me as I don't know German and Google Translate isn't quite up to the task but I can't find any link from the home page of this website to that /login.php web page that will allow me to see the same page you can see.

    If you go to the home page of this website, is there a way to access the same log in page you see from there?

    If I can't access this website myself, there is an alternative way that I can help. Since you can access the web page then perhaps you could save a copy of the log in page and then send it to me via email. Then I can examine the code and try it locally on my computer to see if I can get 1Password to fill and save. Let's make this plan B if I can't access the web page.

    Best regards,

  • Barky
    Community Member

    Hmm try to bogus data in the upper fields and then hit "Anmelden". You should be redirected to the other page.

  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Hey again @Barky,

    Thanks for the help, I got through to the page using your advice :+1: and can now reproduce the issue where 1Password doesn't offer to save a Login item if you use the /login.php page to log in. However for me I am able to use 1Password to fill into that login form. I've created a bug in our tracking tool to capture the saving issue.

    In my testing, I found that if I entered a username and password into the /login.php web form and used the "Save New Login" method of creating a Login then I could use this new Login item to fill correctly. Hopefully this will work for you - let me know if that helps!

    Additionally, in my testing, I've always found the saving and filling will work with the log in web form at the top of the page (in the screenshot from my earlier post). Hopefully using that log in form will provide a workaround for you in the mean time.

    Thanks for reporting this!

    Let me know how that goes and if you've any questions about anything above don't hesitate to send a reply.

    Best regards,

    ref: OPX-1366

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