Can't connect 1Password for iOS 9 (brand new iPhone) to dropbox authorisation fails

Community Member


Would you please be able to help... I purchase a brand new iPhone 5 SE with the latest Dropbox app and the latest 1Password app...

I can not connect 1Password to dropbox because the authorisation fails. Within 1Password i go to the option to connect to dropbox › Connect Dropbox › the screen switches to Dropbox and prompt for the Password (which I know by heart) › an authorisation screen appears › I click on "Authorise" › the screen switches back to 1Password › as soon as 1Password searches for the Vaults (I have 4) the app Quits/Exits, and then nothing.

I have uninstalled / reinstalled both apps, rebooted the phone, nothing works. I also went online to my Dropbox account and removed the application authorisation to this device to force the authorisation and the first handshake between dropbox and the iphone.

Have you had this case? I am missing something?

Thanks in advance for your help

(The 1Password version on the phone is the latest : v48.2. The phone runs iOS 9 and I do not wish to update to iOS 10).

1Password Version: 48.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iOS
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • lobianco
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2017

    Hey @Luds! Thanks for taking the time to write in.

    Hmm, I don't recognize that version number. First thing's first, let's make sure you're actually on the latest version of 1Password. If you open 1Password for iOS and go to Settings, you'll see a version number underneath Recommend 1Password. If you're up-to-date, it should say 6.5.4 (at the time of writing this). What does yours say?

  • Luds
    Community Member

    Hello Iobianco,
    Thank you for your help :-)
    I can confirm I meant to write the version number 6.5.4

    This version did not work as described above.
    Today with version 6.7 that came out on 23rd may 2017 there is no issue and I was able to retrieve and open my Dropbox vault without 1Password Quitting/Exiting bugging. (so there must have been something with version 6.5.4 that has been fixed since with the new 6.7 available today).

    Thank you again for your help

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    That's great news @Luds, I'm glad the update solved this problem! Indeed, version 6.7 includes fixes a crash that could happen when trying to setup sync with Dropbox. I apologize for the inconvenience!

    Hopefully you're all set now, but if you have more questions or need anything else, just let us know. :)

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