Select login item based on use and page search


Since I'm the unwillingly Head of IT-Ops of my family, I have to store a few different account logins in my 1Password keychain. It makes logging in to certain sites difficult, since I have to scroll through quite a few login items to find the one I use the most; my own.

It would be nice if the order of the login items were by usage, so the one I used the most were at the top. It would also be nice if 1Password could do a page search to find the username of the login items and if found, both position that at the top and make the others collapse into a "More..." item as I think you already do in some situations, I just can't remember when.

1Password Version: 6.7.1
Extension Version:
OS Version: OS X 10.12.5 (16F73)
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:Select password based on page search


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @asbjornu: 1Password just doesn't have any login for tracking and sorting logins in this fashion, but it's certainly something we can consider adding in a future version. The "page search" idea is an interesting one too. In the mean time, you can use Favorites to mark your preferred logins, so that they will display at the top of matches for the current site ("More" will display additional additional inexact URL matches). Cheers! :)

  • stigger
    Community Member

    In the mean time, you can use Favorites to mark your preferred logins, so that they will display at the top of matches for the current site ("More" will display additional additional inexact URL matches).

    This does not seem to be working for me. I have 7 google accounts, and the one I'm using most often is the 4th in 1Password Mini list. I tried marking it as favorite, but don't see any difference at all. Using 1Password 6.7 from Mac App Store. Please let me know if you need any additional details.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @asbjornu,

    A lot will depend on how you and your family use 1Password but I'm also wondering if separate vaults could help. You could store items for others in one or more secondary vaults and also exclude them from the All Vaults view that is available when there are more than one vault. That way you have access to the items when needed but they can be essentially hidden for your regular day to day usage.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @stigger,

    Can you checked the URLs stored in the website field of your Google Login items please. Google's current login page is on and so 1Password will always favour those that match that rather than just or If all the Login items store the same FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) then any item flagged as a favourite will appear at the top of the list. I think this will result in better 1Password behaviour for you. Let us know if you find it isn't the case.

  • stigger
    Community Member

    Fixing the URLs helped and know everything works as expected, thank you!

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    :smile: you're welcome @stigger, glad we could help.

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