Logging in to Buffer


Hi there,

Does anyone know how to have 1Password automatically login to Buffer? The problem is that the login box floats as a separate window above the main screen.

Kind Regards

1Password Version: 6.7
Extension Version: 4.6.6
OS Version: 10.12.5
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @JasonN,

    Thanks for writing in, I checked out buffer.com and it appears the only way to get the login web form to appear is to click the "Log in" button in the top-right. Unfortunately at the moment 1Password can't automatically perform this step for you because there isn't a standard way this is done across all websites. Perhaps there is a way we could allow 1Password to learn this behaviour but for now I'm afraid manually clicking the "Log in" button is required before filling is possible.

    Once the popup is shown however the quickest way to fill at that point is to use the keyboard shortcut ⌘\ which should also log you as long as that feature is enabled (1Password > Preferences > Browsers > Automatically sign in after filling usernames and passwords).

    I hope that helps. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

    Best regards,

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @JasonN,

    Try altering the website field stored in your Login item from https://buffer.com/ to https://buffer.com/signin. It isn't obvious from their site at all (I was poking and prodding based on the underlying HTML) but that seems to be a dedicated login page that will allow open and fill to work. Please do let us know if it helps.

  • JasonN
    Community Member

    Thanks, littlebobbytables. That works great!

    Much appreciated.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Glad it helped @JasonN :smile: Sites like this or ones that use something called iframe (specific issue related to 1Password for iOS) do pose a challenge. Sometimes we get lucky and they can be worked around with a little detective work, sometimes the site has been designed in such a way that there is no workaround. If you find a troublesome site it's worth asking in case we can find an alternative that works :smile:

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