New website account auto-fill button


I would like a new button in 1Password Mini that automatically fills in the details for a website's account creation or new Sign-In. It could take data from a previously saved Identity, offer a password according to one's recipe and might even try to identify the website's log-in page to save, rather than save the sign-up page. What about adding a dropdown where a user could check which Vaults the account could be saved to?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @sguinness: You can fill this kind of information already using Identity items, but it sounds like you're looking for a quicker way to do that. Is that correct? I'm not sure we can (or should) add another toolbar button, but perhaps a keyboard shortcut would work. Admittedly, 1Password is focused on login filling, as that's by far what most people use it for most, but it may be that we can expand this further in the future.

  • sguinness
    Community Member

    @brenty. Thank you. I will experiment with Identity, and I do use it for form-filling.
    I would have put the 'button' in the Password Generator section, perhaps beneath the Regenerate Password button, entitled New Account Sign-up or some such. This button would combine information from Identity (say username / email address) with password generation and input it to new sign-up page. Is there not a similar function already in the iOS version via the built-in browser?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @sguinness: Nope, but it's an interesting idea. Currently the password generator and Identities are very much separate, as they're also used for creating new passwords for existing accounts and things like filling forms for shopping online. I think to do anything like this we'd really need to change the design significantly, but it's certainly something we can consider for a future version. Thanks for bringing this up! :)

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