Features request: Two very simple things that could enhance user experience significantly

Community Member


First let me say that I love 1password like no other piece of software. :)

Here are my two simple ideas:

1) Pressing enter on a favourite (in 1password mini) directly copies to clipboard the first field of this element (or, the field we mark as favourite inside the favourite)

2) Being able to select which of the left and right arrows opens the submenus in 1password mini, so that it feels consistant if we have the 1password mini on the far right of the screen for example

That's it! Thanks

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @flolm -- thanks so much for the kind words and support -- it's really a boost for us to hear that real-world users out there like yourself enjoy using 1Password. It means all the sweat we put into making 1Password worked the way we were hoping it would. :)

    We also feel very lucky to have one of the more engaged and vocal user-bases around, and we love getting feedback and suggestions from you guys. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with us!

    With regard to your specific requests, no. 1 on your list is unlikely, because it overrides how the current open & fill behavior of 1Password functions, and would therefore require a pretty substantial re-write of one of the core functions of 1Password. The closest I could see us coming to that would be a separate keyboard shortcut that would allow copying of the first field (typically username). I'll add your request for this, but I have nothing to share regarding when - or even IF - you might see such a feature.

    Your second item is less of a reach in terms of underlying code that would have to be overhauled, and I will forward that one along to our developers. Thanks again for letting us know you're interested in this!

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